Chapter Seven betch

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After a night of Alex teasing me and having deep conversations about what the morals in Spongebob are, we went to sleep. But around 3am he said he had to go home and help out his mum, which I guess is fair enough. I got up at mid-day and went to the local library to check out some books for assistance with my Social Studies project on Women's Rights in third world countries. After I checked them out I went to pick up Emmalie and we went to Starbucks. (#whitegirl). We ended up deciding that the project itself will only show bias opinions and points so we're going to just do the project when we actually know what's meant to be included. Emmalie and I dropped off the books at her house and we went to the mall and just looked around. We went into a thrift shop and we brought these fake foam swords and we bumped a few things from the shelves but it's like whatever.

"So what's with you and Alex?" Emmalie asked after whacking me in the face with the sword.

"Nothing, I mean like. Nothing. We talk." I didn't really know what to say because I didn't even know what's up between Alex and I.

"Talk or..." She nudged me.

"Talk." I stated. I heard someone behind me so I turned around and it was our friend Adriana.

"Hey baby!" She greeted us and hugged us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just saw you two and I wanted to say hi and I also I'm going overseas next week!" Adriana explained.

"Oh! Where to?!" Emmalie questioned.

"Japan!" Adriana squealed.

"Anime!" Emmalie exclaimed.

While Adriana and Emmalie left to go talk about anime and japan, I saw a text from Alex:

Hey come over


Sure but why?


Does a guy have to have a reason? Just come over I'm bored af and Will ditched me to be with his girlfriend


Aw you feel lonely


Shut the fuck up


I'll be over soon, what's your address?

So after Alex texted me his address I drove to his house. He lives in a decent neighbourhood. His double storey house looks newer compared to the other houses but after one of the chats he and I had, I soon discovered that he's actually broke. He gambled all of his Vine money in Vegas last month.

"Took you long enough." Alex spat. He looks pissed and his lip is busted. His hair is messy and he only has black boxers on. I on the other hand, have a messy bun, no makeup, black jeans and a white v-neck on.

"Sorry." I said awkwardly.

"Ugh I'm sorry." Alex mused, opening his arms for a hug and pulled me inside.

"What happened to your lip?" I asked.

"Will. We like had an argument and he hit me pretty hard." Alex confessed leading me into his bedroom upstairs.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just a busted lip." He shrugged and sat on his bed so I joined him.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.


"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, his cheeks were bright pink.

"No." I mused.

"Oh. Okay." Alex simply said and got out his phone.

"Why?" I questioned.

"I just wanted to know, why do you question everything Allie?" He spat.

"Why are you so sassy?!" I mused but my voice sounded a bit bitchy.

"I'm sorry okay." Alex replied looking upset so I hugged him and he lifted my chin up so I was looking directly in his eyes.

"We're dating now." He randomly stated.

"W-what?" I exclaimed. I was so confused.

"What? Am I not good enough? Pft please Allie, Emmalie told me to go for it and so did Will so..." Alex seemed pretty confident.

"Ok then." I mused.

"We're also going to watch The Ring ok? Okay." He stated.

"I see I don't have an option in this." I said elbowing his side.

"No you don't." He smiled and we laid down on his bed with my head resting on his chest.

At some point of the movie, I fell asleep. I woke up at like 4am and Alex was sleeping. I have massive pains in my lower stomach. Oh shit no I can't have my period now. Great. I quietly left Alex's side and went to every bathroom in his house looking for tampons. None. I heard Alex come up behind me grabbing me by the waist.

"Just because we're dating doesn't mean you get to be nosey." He said softly in my ear.

"Oh. I uh- I uh was looking for something." I stated and he turned me around so we were facing each other.

"What?" He asked.

"Just uh nothing shut up. Go to sleep." I mused.

"Don't go Jeff The Killer on me, tell me." He demanded.

"Fuck you." I spat.

"Allie!" He gripped my wrists tightly in an effort for me to tell him, it didn't hurt but it was a bit intimidating.

"I have my period ok." I admitted.

"You can have my tampons." He winked and led me into his bedroom.

"What?" I laughed. He was legit, he pulled out a packet of tampons.

"Haven't you seen my vines babe?" He laughed and handed them to me.

"Noooope." I lied. I started to walk to the bathroom when I heard him say:

"Bloody hell Allie, you're a bloody nightmare, what girlfriend doesn't watch her boyfriend's vines?!" He pretended to be insulted and I ignored him.

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