Chapter Five betch

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I closed my eyes when I heard that gunshot. Then the next thing I heard was a body drop, mum screaming, the dogs on my street howling and I felt a tear run down my cheek. After I had enough control over myself I opened my eyes very slowly and bracing myself to see Alex. But only it wasn't Alex, it was my mum. She had a shot in her left shoulder, she obviously dodged the bullet but there was a lot of blood and Alex and Eric were nowhere to be seen. I rushed over to my bullet-wounded mother. Shit there was a lot of blood. I dialled 911 quickly after touching my mum's blood. Great now there's blood on the phone:

"Hello?!? 911!" I screamed applying pressure to my mum's wound.

"911, yes what's your emergency?" The phone operator asked in a calm and soothing voice.

"I need the ambulance! My mum is injured!" I screamed then I remembered: Alex and Eric, do I call the police? What if Alex is hurt?! Oh my fuck!

"Okay sweetie you need to calm down, there's an ambulance on it's way, listen I need you to be strong and get a clean towel or shirt and apply pressure to the wound in an attempt to slow down the bleeding. Can you do that?" The phone operator advised.

"I'm already doing that! Just fucking send an ambulance here!" I yelled. I have her my address and mum's medical details: alcoholic, not taking and drugs...that aren't illegal.

Finally after 10 minutes of trying to get mum to stay with me, the ambulance came. They took her and drove off; I didn't go because I needed to find Alex and Eric. Shit the things I do for Alex I swear.

-Alex's P.O.V-

After that bastard shot Allie's mum, I chased him out of the house. I tackled him onto the ground and punched his sorry ass until he pushed me off. He dropped his gun when I started chasing him. When he pushed me off, he ran down the street and I chased that son of a bitch. Allie may not be my girlfriend but I really care about her and her family, not to mention this asshole just shot a fucking woman! I caught up to him, only to be cornered into a dark alley. I can't see what it who is in front of me. I can feel my stomach drop when I feel something dig into my back. I slowly turned around -bracing myself to what I might find. Of course it's Eric and look whose Mr Strong now because he has a knife:

"You seriously can't fight without a weapon? You know, man to fucking man!" I screamed, I'm so fucking pissed. Duh.

"You should've just fucking left it, I didn't mean to shoot her!" Eric's breathing was heavy.

"What do you mean you didn't mean to shoot her?! Who pulled the trigger? Me? Allie? Her mum? Oh that's right, you!" This dick could probably stab me in the chest right now but I don't care. All I can think about is how hurt Allie must be feeling. I hope she's okay.

"Fuck off kid! You don't know shit." Eric mused and stepped back a little but throwing the knife over the fence.

"Enlighten me old fart." I taunted. He sighed and just walked away without an answer.

"Alex!" I heard her beautiful voice and saw her run to me pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

-Allie's P.O.V-

I saw him in a dark alley by himself. What the fuck is he doing?! I ran over to him and hugged him.

"Thank fuck you're okay! I was so scared Eric might've..." I trailed off.

"Might've what?" Alex pulled away from the hug and grinned at me.

"Well hurt you." I continued, my voice broke when I said hurt.

"Nah, he's a pussy. He can only have the balls to hurt women." Alex said and making me smile and we hugged again. I was shaking and panting, Alex kissed my forehead and I couldn't help but secretly scream inside my brain.

"Are you okay?" He asked me looking down into my eyes.

"Yeah, the ambulance has mum." I mused. With that, Alex and I left to the direction of the hospital. Hand in hand.

When we got to the hospital Alex did all the talking at the reception.

"How did you know exactly what to say to them without it sounding suspicious? You know, gunshot wound?" I asked him when we sat down in the waiting room.

"Let's just keep it Spongebob happy and say I had a shit upbringing." He mused and placed his left hand on my right thigh massaging it lightly to calm me down.

"What do you mean?" I wanted him to keep going because I just wanted to finally meet a guy who would tell me stuff and open up to me. I wanted Alex to be that guy. I wanted Alex. Full stop.

"It's pretty dark, I'll tell you when things are a bit better." Alex smiled and kissed my cheek. Oh my fucking fuck!

The receptionist came over to us and told us about mum's condition: she's fine, she just needs some rest but she'll be weak in that arm for a few months but other than that she'll be okay. I sighed in relief and I think Alex did too. He hugged me and whispered "I promise I'll look after you and your family." When he said that, my heart did a fucking backflip! He genially cares about me! I nuzzled my head into his shoulder and drifted off to sleep in that waiting room since we weren't allowed to visit mum until morning.

-Alex's P.O.V-

I got a text from William straight after Allie fell asleep:

Dude srsly where r u weren't we gonna film more vines like wtf

Shit. I was meant to film some vines with him tonight at his place but I quickly decided that Allie is more important than fucking vining. I mean I love vining and shit but Allie is so important right now. She needs me and I need her. She's my escape from my harsh home life. So I replied:

Sorry, family problems man. I'll see ya later promise bby ;) x

Will is the only one who knows about my shit home life. Maybe I should tell Allie, but I don't want her to feel bad for me or take pity on me. I mean, I want her to know every single detail there is about my life, and she will. Just when the time is right, and maybe when we're actually dating. Right now, we're unofficially dating and trust me, that's the best thing that has ever happened to me. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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