Chapter Fourteen

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-Allie's P.O.V-


I was pulled into a dark unknown room with the smell of disinfectant in the air. Oh, the janitors closet. How fancy. I started to panic, trying to find the light switch since the person who practically threw me in here has let go of me. As I finally found the light switch, I turned it on. The old, yellowish bulb flickered a few times then it finally stayed on. As my eyes adjusted I begun to notice who I was with. My heart started beating faster and I felt like my stomach was going to fall out of my body. Aaron.

"What the fuck?! Why am I here?!" I panicked but tried to not show it in my voice. He just looked up at me. Right in the eyes.

"I ask myself why you left me. I ask it everyday." He started, he begun to move a bit in the small space. The room was full of boxes and empty, rusty shelves that touched the ceiling. The room was about 5m wide.

"What do you even mean, you cheated." I spat. I looked into his eyes, they were red and puffy. Shit, he's high. When Aaron's high, he's a monster. More demonic than he usually is.

"You're just scared to love." He calmly yet firmly stated sending shivers up my spine.

"W-w-what do you know about love?" I stuttered, still paying my complete attention to this lunatic circling me in this tiny in-closed-space.

"I know more than I wish." Aaron mused quietly yet it had the biggest effect on me.

"What are you even going on about...?" I questioned, my mind is racing with ideas on how I can escape, the logic sets in and I came to the shocking realisation. I can't. In trapped...with him.

"Oh Allison, oh Allison Marie Pritchett what do we have here now? Huh? Did you think that when we broke up I didn't actually live my life?"

"I'm so confused."

"I lived!"

"That's fucking great Aaron, but now can I live MY life?" I demanded, apart of me wished he would let me go but the other part knows just what he wants. Me. Gosh dammit!

"Huh, always a smart ass. But whose trapped? Me...or you?" He pulls out a sharp dagger and places the cold weapon gently underneath my chin. Why do I always get the crazy ones?

"Y-y-you can't kill me. Not here."

"Who said I wanted to kill you, my darling?" He demonically questioned with the hint of alcohol in his warm, wet breath.

"So you just threaten your ex girlfriends with daggers in the janitors closet at their schools?" I rhetorically asked. Maybe I shouldn't be an ass.

"Maybe you're just that special." He mused.

"Maybe not." I answered back, I know I shouldn't be acting like this but I can't help it.

"You're just scared to love!" He snapped, clearly frustrated with my antics.

"I'm not afraid! I am in love! Just not with you..." I answered back.

"With failure." He finished.

"No!" He removed the dagger from my neck and placed it on my chest with the sharp part slightly piercing to where my heart is. Oh my.

"Yeah, you are. You just say you're tired."

"I guess I am tired. Fucking tired of being bitched about, tired of being left alone with my miserable thoughts eating my alive, tired of not feeling good enough and fucking tired of bastards like you reappearing in my life!" I spat. Not even slightly afraid of that dagger anymore. Maybe he should kill me. It will end my misery.

Darkness - a self harm and depressed inflicted fanficWhere stories live. Discover now