Chapter Eight betch

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I came out of the bathroom like an hour later, after I put on the tampon Alex gave me I sat on the bath tub scrolling through my newsfeed on my phone. Nothing interesting of course, I did however suddenly got reminded that Halloween is tomorrow and I have like nothing to wear. So I saw that Alex was sleeping on the bed already so I went outside onto his balcony and called Emmalie:

"Hey." She answered.

"Hey, so what are you wearing for Halloween?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking of going as Jeff The Killer (he's a creepy pasta go search him up)" Emmalie answered.

"Oh. Well I think I might go as Jane The Killer but I'm not too sure yet."

"What are we doing tomorrow? Are we gonna go around to house to house to beg for candy off stranger or?" Emmalie questioned.

"Well yeah, I mean I think Will is having a party so if Alex is going I'll go too and you should go!"

"Yeah okay, where's it at?"

"I think at Will's place."

"CALVIN!" Emmalie screamed.

"Yeah I presume you watch Alex's vines then." I laughed.

"Yes, duh. Anyway I gotta go and pick up my sister." Emmalie hung up.

I wonder what Alex is going. Oh my gosh he would look adorable as a vampire but he mightn't dress up at all. I snuggle into bed with him and because this isn't some stupid romantic movie or book, he didn't move towards me. His mouth was wide open and his drool was running down from his parted lips. Oh Alex, isn't that attractive. After judging him for a few more minutes I fell asleep.

-Alex's P.O.V-

I woke up at like 8am which is early for me, I saw that Allie was sleeping next to me. I carefully got off the bed trying not to wake her because I'm a horrible morning person and let's face it, I'll be an ass to her and she'll probably get upset or some shit. I looked at my phone and saw 4 unread messages from Will, 3/4 saying "Shut the fuck up and wake the fuck up" and one saying

Hey Asswhipe wake up. I need you and Allie to come to the party tonight and she can bring whoever else she wants.

I replied with:


Such a girlish answer right, right. Well there's some tension between Will and I, ever since our fight yesterday, I mean it was about Allie. Will has a crush on her and he was scrolling through her Instagram and he saw a bikini photo of her and said "I wanna bang her" and well I got all defensive and we ended up fighting. Allie of course, doesn't know that the fight was about her. But she does know about the party. I don't honestly know if I trust Will and Allie alone together.

-Allie's P.O.V-

I woke up to see Alex just sitting across from me on the couch in his room on his laptop.

"Hey" I said sleepily.

"Goodmorning." He replied.

"What's our plan today?" I asked.


"Yes! I'll invited Emmalie."

"Right, well get ready because I gotta go help Will get ready for the party and shit." Alex mused.

"Why are you cranky today?" I questioned.

"I'm not, I'm just not a morning person." He stated.

I left him and got ready, just a messy bun, no make up, white, tight singlet top and baggy sweatpants. I left with Alex who was just wearing his Iggy Azalea shirt and black jeggings with black vans. We drove to Emmalie's where he dropped me off and he went to Will's to help set up the party.

Emmalie and I spent 3 hours talking about Creepy Pasta and The Grudge and bitching about some annoying girls at our school. When it was lunch we went out to Taco Bell and started to rant about Hitler because of our English assessment is about him and World War 2. We went shopping for make up, random shit and face paint. We then drove home and we were at her house by 4pm. The party starts at 5pm.

While we were getting ready I changed my mind and decided to just go as Samara from The Ring. So I went with my long, dark hair hanging over my face, minimal make up, black loose short dress and black creepers with a black chocker. Emmalie went full on Jeff The Killer (search him up) so she had white face paint, a Chelsea smile (some like to say Chelsea Grin) and shit loads of eye liner to represent the burnt eye lids that Jeff has. She wore a BVB black tee shirt and black leggings with her black creepers. At 4.55pm we left to go to Will's party which was when Halloween turned for the worst.

Straight away when we walked in we saw everyone downing alcoholic drinks (we arrived at 5.30 lol long drive I guess) and Emmalie went to go see Will's sister because she has a creepy pasta costume. I went up stairs to find Alex because that's where he said he'd be. I walked into what seems like Will's room and saw Alex sitting on the bed drinking beer.

"Hey babe." He greeted me standing up and giving me a kiss.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Want something to drink?"

"No I'm fine." I said.

"You're hella fine." He winked.

"Oh God." I blushed.

We kissed again and then we heard a loud bang from downstairs. So we left the room and headed downstairs to check up on what's happening. The kitchen cabinet fell. Someone pushed it over, you could hear Will in the background screaming (he went as a vampire, red-black cape and black tee shirt underneath with black jeggings, Alex went as himself).

"Who the fuck did this?!" Will screamed. A huge crowd gathered around the broke cabinet and Alex pulled me closer to him because everyone was drunk and rough.

"I did." A tall, blond boy said. No costume whatsoever, then I realised who it was, Lochlan! Lochlan dated Emmalie earlier this year but cheated on her and started to make up lies at shit about her. Ironic thing is, Lochlan and Alex hate each other. So automatically when Alex saw that it was Lochlan he removed his arm around me, barged through the whole crowd and threw a punch at Lochlan hitting him in the head. Everyone was shocked and Lochlan fell onto the floor like a pile of shit. Emmalie though, was still outside so she missed out on this action.

"Come on babe." Alex said after hitting Lochlan, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to the bedroom.

"Why'd you hit him?" I questioned looking down at Alex's slightly cut fist.

"Because what he did to Emmalie was the same thing he did to my friend Bianca." Alex said.


We heard another loud bang from downstairs and everyone started screaming. We ran down stairs to see Emmalie punching the shit out of Lochlan. He was on the floor in the fetus position guarding all his organs while she was kicking his rib cage possibly breaking them. Alex grabbed her and pulled her away whispering "he's not worth it" and after that Emmalie nodded but went back for another kick, right in the mouth. She then left to go back to talking to Bianca, I guess she heard about her. Bianca is a tall blond who seems pretty girly. She dressed up as Cinderella with a shit load amount of make up.

"Go back to the room, it's safe there. I'll be back in a second." Alex said and kissed my forehead. I walked back to the room where Will was. Will locked the door behind me:

"Oh I'm sorry." I said turning around noticing he's naked.

"Don't be..." Will said and I could sense that he was walking towards me. I felt a hand on my shoulder...then his hard dick. Shit. Not again.

"W-w-what are you doing...?" I stuttered anxiously.

"I like you." He breathed on my neck.

"I'm dating Alex." I firmly stated. He started to grind his erection on my butt and I quickly turned around and hit him right in the mouth.

"What the fuck?!" I heard Alex tell from behind me.

A/N real talk, it's 12.12am on the 1st of November Sydney Australia time and I'm tired af but I got this inspiration off Emmalie and a few other friends. Happy Halloween guys, don't get raped. 😘☺️😍😉☺️😊❤️😳🙊 😂😶🔪👳🍕

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