Chapter Six betch

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-Allie's P.O.V-

So Alex woke me up at 6am and we went to visit mum then Alex thought it would be a good idea to take me home so I can rest since mum has Nick looking after her in the hospital. Alex was just so sweet last night like I can't even comprehend over how supportive he was. I had a shower and went to bed.

2 hours later

I was awakened by the crashing sound of thunder and the sudden flashes if lightening. I jumped up and started to panic. The crashes of thunder sounded like the gunshot. I'm so scared. I'm home alone and I have no way of defending myself if Eric comes in the house for pay back. I don't know. I'm just scared. So many what if questions are playing in my head and I keep thinking of all these scenarios that are possible to happen. I decided to call Emmalie and tell her to come over since she usually makes me laugh which tends to make me forget about the reason/s why I'm stressed. So she agreed and she's on her way over. Within 10 minutes, Emmalie walked into the house. Emmalie has a key; she always had a key for the house. She's that much of a sister to me.

"Hey bitch. Are you okay?" Emmalie asked walking towards me. She's never been big on hugs but you could sloth hug her and she'd let you, she wouldn't hug you back unless she really felt like it.

"Ugh hi." I groaned. I actually needed a hug.

"Fuck you, come here." Emmalie sighed and pulled me in for an awkward hug. It didn't last long but it helped...kind of.

"What's the matter?" Emmalie asked sitting down next to me.

"I don't know." I avoided the question.

"Allie. We've been best friends since we were 12, now tell me what the fuck is wrong." She demanded.

"I don't want to bother you with my problems, let's just watch a movie or something." I mused.

"Allie. Randoms tell me their problems everyday on Minecraft and I don't judge. Now tell me." She really wanted to know. Ugh.

"Fine." I explained to her everything. The dinner, the gunshot, Alex. She didn't say anything for a few minutes then she started to open her mouth.

"So, wait. How didn't Eric get arrested or anything?" Emmalie questioned.

"Well, I don't know. Alex and I never brought it up."

"Well that's intelligent of both of you. Look Allie, you need to like prepare yourself for Eric coming in and ruining your life again."

So Emmalie and I plotted ways that I could avoid Eric at all costs, especially for when I'm alone like this. When it was 8pm, Emmalie went home making sure first that I was okay, which I am. Now. So I heated up some pizza from last night and went on vine. Sure enough, Alex posted some funny as fuck vines. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Alex:

Hey babe, just checking up on you, your friend Emmalie told me you were upset earlier. Are you okay now?"

I replied:

Yeah I'm okay, but how are you?


Yeah I'm just worried about you. Can I come over?

With that text, I smiled.


Of course! If you want you can like sleepover


I'm on my way babe!

Wait. Alex is sleeping over. Okay, okay. What did I do? Within 20 minutes Alex knocked on my door. He was wearing black jeggings, black converse, black t-shirt with some bikini babe on it. Daym did he look hot. Then I looked at myself, grey, baggy sweatpants, tight, white single and a messy bun. Pft I don't care right now because the way Alex is staring at me, it makes me feel as if I looked better than what I probably do. He pulled me into a hug.

"Hey." He greeted me; I just smelled his scent. (Idk if there's chocolate lynx in America but daym that shits great and I picture Alex using that type of body spray, if they don't have it in America or wherever you're from just picture Alex wearing your favourite scent).

I held his hand and led him into the living room and we started to watch The Grudge (if you haven't watched it, it's literally the best movie ever -it's a horror). We sat close and his arm was wrapped around me. Then when the grude appeared in the last scene, I jumped and I could hear Alex laugh at me. So I whacked him:

"What?! You're so cute when you're scared!" Alex taunted me.

"Shut the fuck up you idiot!" I laughed and he hugged me.

We looked deep into each other's eyes and I could hear my heartbeat quicken. The way his pupils dilate when they looked at mine, I could tell that for the first time, which a guy actually cares about me. He started to lean in and open his lips; I did the same. We are now just one centimeter apart from kissing when he whispered:

"You know whose hot?" He breathed cocking his head to the side of my neck. I could feel his warm breath against my skin, sending goose bumps and shivers down my spine.

"Who?" My breath was heavy.

"Spongebob." He grinned looking at me. I whacked him again.

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