Chapter Nine betch

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I ran out of the room straight away when I heard Alex's voice, I tried to pull him away because his face displayed betrayal and confusion.

"Alex! No please let's just go! He's drunk! It didn't mean anything!" I kept screaming and attempting to get Alex away from Will.

"Allie. Stop." Alex calmly said.

"W-w-what?" I was so confused and concerned of how Alex was so calm.

"Will, I'll talk to you when you're sober." Alex stated and calmly pulled me by the wrist and took me out of the room. We walked outside of the house where it was quieter.

"Are you okay...?" I asked.

"No." He simply stated. His eyes were glassy and he was avoiding all eye contact, he never does that.

"Alex...babe..." I didn't know what to say.

"Allie, it isn't your fault." Alex said, his voice broke a bit.

"Alex please tell me what you're thinking." I mused lightly holding his left hand trying to get some sort of response.

"He um. He mentioned having a crush on you before, which is why we got in a fight and yeah." Alex confessed. It all makes sense now, the cuts on his knuckles, the awkwardness, the everything.

"Babe." I said and pulled him into a hug when he let go of all his emotions and cried on my shoulder. I felt so heartbroken, seeing Alex like this. It hurt.

-Alex's P.O.V-

I never ever fucking cry in front of anyone, let alone my girl! But I'm a mess, I can't keep it together and I know Allie wouldn't judge me. It felt so good to let it all out but I'm just praying no one sees me like this because they'd probably think I'm a whimp or something. Then I heard Lochlan yell my name.

"What?!" I let go of Allie and pulled myself together ensuring my voice was strong and dominate.

"You're a fucking dick!" Lochlan yelled. Allie was standing behind me holding onto my waist.

"Excuse me?! You're seriously calling me a dick?! After what just happened? I saved your ass if you didn't remember!" I yelled. I could feel Allie holding me tighter.

"I can look after myself!" Lochlan spat.

"Clearly. Yeah I totally got that from Emmalie beating the shit out of you." I stated.

"What happened between that hoe and I is our own business!" He shouted coming closer. Allie let go of me and walked up to Lochlan and slapped him right in the face and went down like a bag of shit. Wow he must be drunk, Allie has tiny ass hands. Then Emmalie appeared out of nowhere and started kicking Lochlan again.

"Leave her to hit him." Allie whispered in my ear and pulled me to go somewhere else.

"I don't think so, she'll kill him." I whispered back.

Then the police siren was audable and I quickly pulled Emmalie off Lochlan and forcibly threw her in the car because she wasn't done with Lochlan but I'm not going to let her get in trouble with the cops over this dead beat. Allie jumped in next to me in the front seat and I calmly drove away.

We got onto the highway on the way to Emmalie's then she said:

"Let's go to Lochlan's house and trash it!"

"Are you insane?!" Allie laughed.

"Very." Emmalie stated.

"And how exactly are we gonna do that?" I asked.

"I still have a house key to it, we could toilet paper the yard and spray paint his garage saying cocksucker and shit." Emmalie suggested.

"Toilet papering is so mainstream." Allie stated.

"Babe you think everything is 'mainstream." I mused.

"Because it is..." She laughed playfully hitting my arm.

"So?!" Emmalie questioned.

"Ugh fine! What's his address?" I gave in.

We drove to Lochlan's house and Emmalie eagerly got out and quickly got out a red spray can and started spray painting Lochlan's garage saying "cocksucker" and "I fuck Ebola for a living". While Allie and I just sat back and watched her crazy ass friend get revenge. She then unlocked Lochlan's door and ran in. It took her about 5 minutes until she ran out laughing to herself and telling us to get back into the car.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Stuff." Emmalie simply stated.

"No kidding." Allie laughed.

"So sarcastic." Emmalie commented. I just smiled to myself. I felt my phone vibrate, it's a text from my friend Ben:

Will got arrested and so did his hoe Anna. Btw the police wanna question u, ur girl and Emmalie over Lochlan

Shit. I gave my phone to Allie and she started freaking out, she showed the message to Emmalie and Emmalie started laughing.

"What do we do?" Allie asked me.

"I'll go to the police station and said I did it." I stated.

"No! I wanna get in trouble! I did it, I'm not a pussy." Emmalie insisted.

"So, you could get in massive shit." I mused and Allie agreed.

"Does it look like I care?!" Emmalie shouted.

"Fine. Fine." I said and drove to the police station where we saw Will, Anna and of course, Lochlan.

"I hit him." I stated straight away to the police officer walking in my direction.

"Alex!" Allie and Emmalie simotampisly screamed at me.

"Come with me." The police officer directed.

A/N will Alex get charge for a crime he did not commit? Will Emmalie disrupt the interviewing process to get her ass in trouble? Will alex and Will be friends again? Why am I questioning this xD okay so imma try to update more. MA kik is @sharallie message me if you have any questions about the fanfic or any suggestions. I love you oh and follow me on twitter @sonotallie

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