Chapter Four betch

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"I invited him for dinner." Mum mused.

"No shit. I mean like why?" My annoyance was growing. It's not like I don't want Alex here, it's just that mum will probably do or say something that will embarrass the shit out of me.

"He deserves to be thanked and besides, my boyfriend will be coming over too." Mum said reaching into her bag for a new bottle of vodka. Fuck. Mum's boyfriend, Eric, is so abusive, verbally and physically to both mum and me. He says he's my father.

-Flash back from last month-

Eric's coming over tonight for dinner, I don't mind mum's boyfriend but there's something off about him. He's a policeman so he thinks he has authority over my mother, ugh. He and Nick get along well though, ever since dad died Nick pretty much craves male attention -he's just looking for a replacement dad. Oh god if only Eric knew about the family drug trade. I was in my bedroom doing my history assignment that is due next week and then I heard a loud crash of plates. I ran out into the kitchen to see mum lying on the kitchen floor with tears running down her face. Her eyes had so much fear in them; I panicked and tried to look for a phone to call the ambulance since my phone was being repaired.

Then, Eric came into the kitchen and slapped mum. She was screaming and he fiercely grabbed her chin and punched her in the right eye. I will never forget her howls. He shoved a dirty sock in her mouth, which she gagged. He then grabbed her hair and pulled her upright and snatched the masking tape from the kitchen counter only to tape it over her mouth. I just watched in disbelief. The only other phone in the house is in the kitchen; maybe if I try to quickly get it without getting his attention he mightn't notice. So I swallowed the fear down and forced it to stay down and sneaked past Eric and mum. I ran outside with the phone and dialled 911 only to be struck in the head with a plate.

Eric dragged me inside and slapped me and mum came up behind him and stabbed him in the left shoulder. His growl scared the shit out of me, he stood up, clutching his wound and screamed abusive language to my mother and he cornered her into the bathroom. He took the knife out of his shoulder and right before he had a chance of stabbing mum, I shot him in the leg with his shotgun. I called the ambulance for both of them, I told the police that a robber came in and attacked them so Eric wouldn't tell the police that I shot him. Even though it was an act of self-defence, I can still be charged. I never forgave him and I don't know how mum did. I told Nick about everything and he didn't believe me.

-Flash back over-

I stormed out of the room and grabbed Alex and Emmalie and lead them to my room. Emmalie ended up saying she had to go because she was a bit off about Eric too. So it was just Alex and I, alone in my room while mum and Eric cooked dinner.

"Is Eric her boyfriend or something?" Alex questioned looking at me again in the eyes.

"Why are you jealous?" I teased.

"No, just curious." Alex mused smiling at me. Obviously impressed by my comment.

"Well yeah. He's just, I don't like him." I stated and broke our eye contact, looking to the ground while Alex continued to stare at me. We were both on my bed.

"Why don't you?" He asked, he sat closer, obviously intrigued.

"Oh I just, it doesn't matter. Really." I assured him. He just looked at me and nodded.

"So, I think you and I should maybe go then. You know, since you're not keen on the guy and I feel awkward." Alex proposed.

"Hmm is this considered a date?" I nudged Alex and he automatically froze.

"I'm kidding." I said trying to calm him down. He smiled at me.

"Oh. Um-uh." Alex nervously said. I quickly put my hand on his left thigh and nodded to him to continue. I have never been this close. Fuck.

"What if I made it as a date..." He trailed off. It was so quiet I could hardly hear it.


"Never mind." Alex assured me and I hugged him. Don't ask me why but I felt like I had to hug him to make him feel comfortable. Alex immidately hugged back.

"I uh-uh. Um. L-l-like you." He confessed. I looked at him puzzled.

"Oh. I like you too." I decided he probably meant it in a friendly way.

"No. I like you. As in I want to be with you." Alex continued.

"Oh, Alex. Um..." I trailed off. The thing is, I like Alex but I don't think I'm ready to get involved with someone, especially after what just happened.

"You don't need to say anything." Alex mused caressing my cheek. I had so many butterflies. I don't know what the fuck is happening but he leaned in. Suddenly the door flew open:

"Keep your hormones to yourself son." Eric said protectively. What the fuck?!

"Sorry sir." Alex moved away from me a little bit. I swear to god I will kill Eric.

"Dinner's ready." Eric stated and left the room. Alex and I awkwardly looked at each other and walked out to the kitchen. We say directly across from each other. It was home made pizza.

Mum and started a conversation about politics while Alex and I stayed quiet just looking at our food. Then disaster struck.

"What the fuck did you just say you little bitch?!" Eric spat at mum. Alex and I both clearly missed something because we both looked at each other confused.

"Nothing." Mum said quietly.

"No speak the fuck up!" Eric demanded now standing up and slamming his and mum's plates on the floor.

"Hey calm down." Alex defended my mum. He sounded so afraid but yet so confident, he looked at me then back to Eric.

"You think you're tough! Just because you saved my daughter! Fuck you probably raped her!" He accused Alex. That fired Alex right up.

"You know what?! Fuck you! I would never hurt a girl, especially one as beautiful as Allie and I'm pretty sure she's not your daughter." Alex said. He surprised all of us, even himself.

"Haha. Oh I'm so scared a little boy is standing up for two sluts. How heroic." Eric taunted Alex walking closer to him. They were both just inches away from each other and Eric stands just a few centimetres taller than Alex.

"Go to hell." Alex literally spat on Eric's face. Alex turned around and walks towards me.

"Alex!" I shouted seeing Eric pull out his gun.


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