Shining like the stars
I never once cared about the Moon
Sure, it was the brightest of them all
But nothing without the Sun
And with all the stars combined
We could shine it out
If only I had someone to combine with
But who would ever dare to go against the King?
A Queen would of course
And so I did
Because just like in a game of Chess,
The Queen rules over the King
And if needed, discards of him too
Because in the end,
The game is about protecting what matters
And for once,
I do
1.1 || Floraison
Puisi*completed* ○•FLORAISON ○•(French : Bloom) •Words spun into poems Letters dipped in gold Sentences laced with elegance Alphabets with a story of their own ○• I present you FLORAISON, a book whose blank pages bloomed when ink touched the rough pape...