The Proposal

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 "I, um. Hey—"

Gon pointed a finger to himself and said, smile wide. "Do you remember my name? If you do, I'll be seriously impressed. I mean, I come in every day but still. That's gotta mean something."

"Y-Yeah, Gon," Killua croaked. All of the heat in his body compressed into the singularity and erupted in his cheeks. It took all of two seconds for his entire face to feel like the high density temperature state just before the Big Bang because by then, Zushi was staring at him and putting two and two together like the stupid, idiotic, ignorant genius he was.


Gon put a hand up with a laugh and said, "Nice! High-five. What're you doing with my buddy Zushi?"

"B-Buddy?" Killua stammered, gingerly touching his hand to Gon's.

"Oh!" Zushi said, voice cracking. He stepped up beside the two of them and gestured broadly, saying, "Gon, meet Killua. Killua, my roommate Gon, whom... you've... already met... at... Starbucks."

"Does this mean I get discounts now?" Gon said.

"No, I charge interest," Killua said before he could stop himself. He slapped a hand over his mouth and thought, Cool it with the sass, mister! "I-I mean, I'm not allowed to give friends discounts. I barely get a discount on my own drinks as it is."

"Fuck Starbucks then. Free drinks for all," Gon said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Solid economic plan. You should run for president," Killua said, as if his humor wasn't already as dry as the Sahara Desert.

Gon stared at him and Killua felt like an alien. His brother always said his sarcasm was unseemly and cold, and Killua never thought he'd care until that moment. He willed a god of some kind to smite him dead right then and there, but alas, he still had a court date to attend to.

His heart was beating so fast he thought he might faint.

When Zushi clapped his hands, it sounded more like a nuclear bomb. Both Gon and Killua jumped at the sound and Gon put a hand to his heart and said, "Jesus, I thought a gun went off."

"No guns here, folks," Zushi said. He slapped his hands onto Killua's shoulder and, likewise, Gon's shoulder. "Killua's joining us for dinner at Ren Hall."

"I am?" Killua squeaked. Zushi gave him a pointedly narrow stare, at which point he regretted accepting the offer. "Oh, no, I should probably just... go back to my dorm."

"Really? Are you a freshmen too, then?" Gon asked.

Killua swallowed hard and tried not to faint. Thankfully, Zushi answered for him. "Yeah, he lives at Hatsu. I go to study with him sometimes."

"Oh! That's who you sneak off to. All this time I thought it was a girl," Gon said.

Zushi rolled his eyes. "He's more into guys, so—"

ZUSHI! Killua's brain screamed. He wondered if Zushi could hear it, because a second later, Zushi flinched. Zushi shrieked and Killua realized it was because he was unaware of the fact that he had Zushi by the arm, pinching him relentlessly with an vice-like grip between his thumb and index finger. He held on until Zushi cried uncle.

"I am this close to beating you with a stick," Killua threatened.

"Bite me," Zushi snapped. Killua took a threatening step towards him.

"Kinky," Gon said.

Zushi recovered long enough to slap Gon in the arm and shove him in the direction of Ren Hall. The heat in Killua's face ruptured in his ears where his heart was already pounding. He put a hand to his hair as he heard Gon ask, "Why do you always go to Hatsu? You've never invited him over!" to which Zushi replied, "This is why I haven't invited him over!"

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