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Zushi the Sushi Roll has a front row seat to Killua's downfall.


Gon led the way to the stairwell that could, potentially, fit the width of a bulldozer. It was so goddamn wide, Killua wondered what the purpose of such a stairwell was. Killua stood at the landing just before the gym basement, realizing that an entire ten Killuas could stand shoulder-to-shoulder and still have room for more on the stairwell.

Gon and Zushi were already at the end of the stairwell by the time Killua's focus returned. He hurried down, shoveling Noods in his mouth so that he could just be done with the bowl sooner rather than later. He didn't want to walk through the entire gym eating.

The basement appeared to be some sort of free weight room. There was a wall of mirrors like this was a ballet class and Killua came severely underprepared. When Gon walked through, Killua wasn't all that surprised to see that everyone seemed to know who Gon was. There had to be about six guys in the basement that day and every last one of them waved to Gon. They passed a burly looking fella with familiar-looking biceps.

Killua's palms grew clammy. He chucked his Noods in the nearest trash bin as if it was evidence. Zushi snickered at him from where he stood near Gon as the guy clasped onto Knuckle Bine's hand and reeled him in for a bro hug.

"Hey man, what's goin' on?" Knuckle said, and, as they pulled away, he gave Gon a fond pat on the cheek and sort of caressed his ear. It was weirdly intimate for two bros at a gym.

Is this another dimension? Am I dreaming? Killua thought, because not only that, but Knuckle, Hunter quarterback, was shirtless.

"Christ, your jersey doesn't do you justice," Killua said, out loud.

He slapped his hand over his mouth when both Knuckle and Gon turned to look at him. Zushi let out a startled laugh.

Knuckle took a confident step away from Gon and gestured to his defined six-pack. Killua stared at it, his mouth watering. "It's good, huh?" he said before perching his hands on his hips. He thought better of it, though, and turned with a Greek sculpture pose to show off his biceps like he was about to throw discus. "You like?"

"I thought showing off was my job," Gon whined.

Knuckle turned his back on them, flexing his biceps. The muscles in his back visibly rippled and God, Killua didn't know that was possible. He shivered and clasped his fist against his mouth as he nodded and said, "Yes, good. Very good."

"I hope you realize that all guys go to the gym just to glean compliments off of unsuspecting women," Zushi said.

"Damn straight," Knuckle said, pinning Zushi with a wink as he turned back around. He clapped Gon on the back, and Killua realized that he had been entirely too distracted by all of the exposed muscles that he hadn't realized Gon's eyes were on him. Gon startled, looking up at his teammate as Knuckle said, "You got Coach's email?"

"Yeah, meeting at seven. Got it," Gon said with a firm nod.

"Perfect. Well, I'll leave you all to it. Nice to see you again, Zushi. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow, huh?"

"Yes, I'll definitely be there," Zushi said. As Knuckle walked off, Killua raised an eyebrow at his lab partner. Zushi blinked at him and said, "What?"

Killua laughed and shook his head. "Nothing. Nothing at all."

As they walked down the length of mirrors, Killua found himself staring after Knuckle Bine. Killua saw photos of him all over his social media—from media coverage of the latest game to the feeds of his friends posting pictures of him being a general goofball. Knuckle had a plethora of photos—an entire portfolio, really—of pictures of him kissing the cheeks of every football player on the team.

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