Intervention Party City

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Killua didn't text Knuckle more than a few times the rest of that day and the next before the party. He didn't mind it—in fact, his ego was just thrilled that the quarterback even swiped right on him. That was really all there was to it (and also, maybe, quite possibly the fact that he had also fantasized about the quarterback annihilating his head with his thighs).

Zushi once again joined Killua at Hatsu Hall and snuck into the dorm tower with every intent of sitting on Killua's futon and watching the show unravel. When Zushi came to Killua's door, he found the door propped open with a wooden wedge and the sound of Leorio's voice booming from in the room.

"You can't wear a leather jacket to a frat party! You'll get too hot, take it off, and someone will steal it!" Leorio shouted.

"But it looks good," Killua insisted. The leather jacket was flattering on him, and as he turned to check himself out in the floor length mirror Leorio brought, he found Zushi staring at them from the threshold. Zushi was wearing a plain black polo and light grey skinny jeans. The real star of his outfit, however, happened to be a pair of killer sneakers.

Killua looked him up and down and whistled.

Leorio said, "Damn, looking good, kid."

Zushi's cheeks colored pink. "Thanks, man," he said, smiling shyly. He turned to Killua and said, "You ready?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Leorio shouted, startling both of them. He pointed at Killua's brown, ankle-high shoes. "If this man is wearing brown shoes, he cannot wear a black leather jacket. Right?!"

"I-I guess, I don't... really know," Zushi confessed.

Leorio turned to Killua for a translation. "He's straight," Killua said.

Leorio blinked in alarm. His glasses slipped down the bridge of his nose as he said, "Wait, you befriend straight guys?"

Killua groaned and went back to his closet. He put the leather jacket back and pulled out a light black sweatshirt and said, "Okay, then what about this?"


"It's also black!" Killua shouted.

"It's not shiny, though!" Leorio insisted. Killua groaned again and started yanking off his shirt and swapping it with the sweatshirt. He was wearing a pair of loose, dark grey pants that rolled up at the hems, showing off a sliver of his purple socks.

Zushi pointed to them and said, "Nice touch."

"Thanks," Killua said, turning his heel to the side to put them on display. He put his arms out in a gesture to Leorio and said, "We good?"

Leorio gave him one last once-over before holding up a thumbs up. "Yes, good."

Leorio carted his mirror back out into the hallway as Killua shut off the light in his room and ushered Zushi out. He locked the door and slipped the keycard into the zipper pocket on the waistband of his pants.

Leorio wished them the best as they stepped into the elevator. Zushi waved until the doors shut at which point Zushi turned to Killua and said in a dull, vaguely angry voice, "What the Hell did you do."

Killua pretended to busy himself by rolling up the sleeves on his sweatshirt as he said in a sweet voice, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You just like to stir shit up, don't you? Poke a stick around in it, slosh it around in your mouth a little."

"Bullshit tastes like candy sometimes," Killua confessed with a diabolical smile. "It's oh-so sweet tonight. I can taste it already."

Zushi looked up at the floor numbers diminishing on the screen as he shook his head, saying, "I can't believe I'm best friends with a sociopath."

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