Live, Laugh, Love

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Gon: "yOU TaLk DiRtY tOo???"
Killua, bags packed, wearing sunglasses, already on a plane to Canada: "nO I DON'T DON'T LOOK AT ME"

a/n: Bit of a longer chapter. Enjoy! :D


It was easier to wake up Saturday morning for his early shift than expected. In fact, he was on his feet after the first alarm on his phone.

Killua rubbed the side of his bedhead with a yawn and, stretching his legs out in front of him, plopped his feet on the carpet in his dorm room. A pro to having a ridiculously wealthy family intent on paying for his law school meant that he also had the luxury of a single room dorm. With no one to bother him and no one to worry about but himself, Killua prepared for work.

He stood in front of the shared restroom mirror, brushing his teeth. The bathrooms were always silent on Saturday mornings. With everyone either hungover or trying desperately to sleep in before the dining room opened, Killua had the entire restroom to himself. He bent over the sink and spat out bubblegum flavored foam.

When he straightened up, he stared at himself in the mirror. He flattened his hand over his bedhead, where it was oh-so obvious in the trimmed hair on the sides of his head. When he pulled his hands off, those bleach-blonde strands stood up on end once again.

Do I really want to shower just to fix my bedhead? he wondered, tugging on the messy, crazy strands on the top of his head. He thought of Freecss, which immediately pissed him off. As if he'd shower for a guy. They were going to be working out, so showering how was just an extra step in his day.

It'd only take two minutes... he thought.

He took the shower and, less than an hour later, he was already grateful for it.

Killua opened that day which meant prepping the counter space, filling the coffee machine with fresh grounds, and brushing up the espresso machines. By the time all that was taken care of, his coworkers were in and he left to drag the locked gate away from the store entrance. He crossed the tiled flooring, turned the corner away from the back room door, and stopped at the sight of someone glaringly familiar standing outside of the gate, eyes on his phone, distracted.

Killua skidded to a stop a few paces away. He was used to customers waiting outside of the gate on weekdays, but Saturday?

"What're you doing here, Freecss?" Killua said, resuming his pace. Maybe if he acted normal, he'd be normal for once.

Gon looked up from his phone. The instant he locked eyes with Killua, he smiled. It didn't quite reach his eyes, though, which remained slack and tired. "I have a lot of homework to finish before the game. I didn't want to bother Zushi Roll so I figured I'd come here."

"Ah," Killua said, articulate as ever.

He went to the wall where the gate locked in. He stuck the key in and turned it, walking it around the arched café space where it looped out into the student common area. He passed Gon on his way. Gon was watching him, his bright eyes diluted with exhaustion. Killua came close to snapping his fingers at Gon and telling him to head back to his dorm to sleep for another hour because Christ, if Gon didn't look two seconds away from passing out or what.

It was the earliest Killua had seen Gon. Most days, Gon came in almost religiously around nine in the morning, never sooner, sometimes later. Killua always assumed that nine in the morning was Gon's first taste of caffeine, but he was starting to think that Gon stopped by Starbucks for an extra shot.

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