Too Litty

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Before he could stop it, tears started to drip from his eyelashes.

Zushi startled forward, his hands going to Killua's cheeks. "Oh, fuck, dude—It's okay, I'm right here—"

"Y-You're gonna disappear," Killua stammered, lips quivering.

"What happened? Why's he crying?" Gon demanded, pushing up beside Zushi as Killua rubbed his eyes dry on his sweater. Gon put his hand on Killua's back.

"I'm gonna disappear?" Zushi whispered, eyes wide and dilated.

Killua nodded as he put his head to Zushi's shoulder. Zushi put his arm around Killua's back as Killua said, "If you leave me, you'll be gone. Thin air—poof."

"Shit, no way," Zushi breathed against Killua's hair. "Dude, don't let me go."

Killua sniffled and rubbed a hand over his eyes. He felt Gon's hand gently nudging him forward, and eventually, he realized that they were moving through the crowd and out of the middle of the mosh pit where he and Zushi had been slow dancing to Nicki Minaj.

Gon walked them down the black lit hallway. Killua felt the spacetime continuum warping around them and spinning the world into a web around them. It clung to his skin and reminded him that he needed to hold onto Zushi or risk losing him forever to the black hole void of the party. Somehow, they arrived at the first floor after a treacherous journey up the stairs in which Zushi had to physically prompt Killua to even take a step. The third dimension felt so unreal and unfathomable that to transfer his weight up a Y-axis was just too much for his mind to comprehend. Eventually he closed his eyes and let Gon and Zushi take the wheel.

When they at last collapsed onto the living room couch, Killua pulled his knees up to his chest and huddled into Zushi. Over his head, Zushi said to Gon, "Dude, you don't have to stick around us. I can take care of Killua."

"I don't mind," Gon said. "How are you feeling?"

"Sleepy but okay."

Zushi pressed his cheek to Killua's hair and glanced over at Gon. Gon had his arm around the back cushion, looking at Zushi expectantly, like he was anticipating something. Zushi was, by no means, going to relinquish Killua into the hands of his fuck boy of a roommate. Besides, Zushi was exhausted. The dancing coupled with the smash effect of the edibles made him feel as though he had partied for a dozen hours before just now sitting down.

Zushi looked down and found Killua's eyes closed. He glanced over at Gon again, nibbling on his bottom lip. Gon drew his eyes up from where he had been watching Killua. Zushi narrowed his eyes at Gon.

"What?" Gon said.

"Stop looking at him," Zushi said, defensively. It made him feel queazy thinking about the way Killua looked when he admitted that he and Gon would never be a "thing". Truthfully, it broke his heart to realize that Killua had spent all semester pining over his idiot of a roommate, only for it to end before it ever could begin because of Gon's superficial dating life.

Gon rolled his eyes away and said, "Fine, I won't look at him if you tell me why." With that, his eyes landed on Zushi again.

It was Zushi's turn to roll his eyes. "'Cause I don't want you to hurt him. I know your tendencies and I know Killua's a longterm type of guy. I don't know what happened between you guys but I know you really pissed Killua off."

"What makes you think I pissed him off?"

Zushi looked down from where Gon's eyes never wavered on his. He swallowed hard and shook his head. "When he's upset he doesn't like to show it. He said he was fine but I just... don't believe him, I guess?" He yawned then, slumping back in the cushions with Killua at his shoulder. "You going on dates with other people when you've got a perfectly good specimen right here is fucked up, dude. I'm sorry, but it is."

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