Negotiation Dates feat. Psychotic Boy Toys

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Gon 🏈🤼‍♂️ Freakcss added you!

10:15 Gon: Pancakes taste so good when you're hungover

10:16 Kill: This is not a universal thing, but yes, agreed

10:16 Kill: Also how did you get my snapchat?

10:17 Gon: Zushi Roll 🍣😌

10:18 Kill: Good to know Zushi is not above betrayal

10:19 Gon: If you hurt my dear sweet Zushi Roll, there will be hell to pay 😠👊

10:22 Kill: You're so fuckin extra dude

10:22 Gon: You should come to Ren

10:24 Kill: Like... for brunch or just in general?

10:24 Gon: Both :)

10:26 Kill: I'll think about it

10:27 Gon: D:

10:28 Kill: The Ren dining hall makes me feel inferior

10:29 Gon: Why?? I didn't realize there was a dining hall power dynamic

10:30 Kill: Oh yeah. Ren is basically the King of the Dining Halls

10:31 Kill: It exists to remind me of my poor diet decisions you know?

10:32 Gon: But we have pancakes too D: We are normal D:

10:33 Kill: :T

10:34 Gon: D:

10:35 Kill: I will literally gut you if you make that face again

10:36 Gon: Gut me, huh?

10:37 Gon: Will you torture me too? Maybe with a whip or something?

10:37 Kill: With knives.

10:37 Gon: Hot wax, maybe? :D

10:38 Kill: Only knives.

10:38 Kill: And public humiliation

10:39 Gon: O Great Killua, have thou no mercy?

10:40 Kill: That isn't how you use 'thou', you heathen

10:41 Gon: Teach me your ways ;)

10:41 Gon: And spank me when I get wrong

10:48 Gon: Was that too far

10:50 Call from Kill 🔪 Zold Yack

Killua paced his dorm room as the ringer went on. He pinched his thumb nail between his teeth, eyes wide and drifting from the window to the door, the window to the door. Just as he thought the call would end, the ringer was replaced by a bubble popping up on screen with an audio spectrum spiking to the sound of Gon's voice saying, "Do my ears deceive me? Is thee Killua Zoldyck calling me?"

"You piece of shit," Killua said, laughing.

"Gentle, gentle. My poor head is pounding," Gon said. Killua rolled his eyes. He could practically hear the smirk in Gon's voice, and then that cheeky little wink as he added, "No regrets, though."

"Oh really?"

"Oh yeah. I hope last night was as great for you as it was for me...? Possibly?" he said.

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