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The spring semester wouldn't start for another two weeks, so Killua spent all of that time between Sigma Alpha, the gym, and Starbucks. He decided to wait to put his two weeks' notice in until after his father's deposit came in—he didn't want to depend too heavily on it only to get screwed over. But if anything, his father was a man of his word. By the following week, Killua's bank account was no longer anemic, and Killua could rest easy knowing that he could devote all of his spare time to two specific things: Course work and Freecss.

Killua rubbed the soles of his shoes against the rubbery, textured track under his feet. The track was gritty against his sneakers as he watched from afar as Gon stood, stretching in front of Knuckle Bine. Thee Knuckle Bine, who seemed entirely too eager about the day's events.

"Didn't you score a four minute record at your high school?" Knuckle asked.

"Yeah, but with all the training for Mackernasey, I should technically be able to beat that, right?" Gon said, arms over his head. He pushed down over one foot, lunging to the side. Killua tipped his head to the side as he followed the motion of Gon's round ass before popping his attention back to Knuckle, who shrugged at Gon.

"I dunno. You've put on some weight since the start of the semester."

"Are you calling me fat?" Gon said.

"Muscle weight. There's a difference," Knuckle said.

Someone started banging their hands on the divider between the track and the stands. Killua looked and found Uvogin leaning over it, and some of the guys down the line started drumming their hands on the wall and causing a roar to echo across the arena. It sounded like an entire stampede of horses just barreled through and left the sound of their hooves rattling in Killua's head.

Knuckle waved his hands to shut them up, yelling, "Alright! Alright! We're starting! Calm your tits, gentlemen!"

"Don't tell my tits what to do!" Uvogin shouted back.

Nearest where Killua stood, Zushi put a hand to his face, leant up against the divider. Kurapika stood beside him, arms crossed, staring at the chaos erupting down the stands. "Are they always this loud?" they asked.

"Louder, usually," Killua confessed with a grin.

Killua felt a tug on his hand and, when he turned, he found Gon standing in front of him, beaming brightly. Gon leant forward for a kiss that Killua stopped, a hand over Gon's mouth. Gon blinked at him as Killua said, "You can kiss me after you beat your record."

Behind him, the stand of football players let out a scandalous, "Oooo!"

Gon pouted at Killua. He turned away and Killua smacked him on the ass without even thinking. Gon jumped a little, squeaking as the guys at howled with laughter. Uvogin leant over and squeezed Killua on the shoulder, laughing up a storm. Killua brushed him off, blushing. Fuck, I really need to stop acting on impulse, he thought to himself.

Knuckle counted down the start. Gon shook out his legs and bounced on the balls of his feet, decked out in his old high school track gear. He braced himself with one leg extended back, the other pushed forward, the pads of his fingers grazing the gritty track mat. Knuckle crouched beside him with the timer and, on the end of the countdown, everyone was shouting and screaming as Gon took off like a shot out of a cannon.

The thing about running backs was not their endurance, but rather their speed. In high school, Gon had been in track for short distance sprints, and so it was only natural that he couldn't pace longer than two, three miles. He was too eager, too energetic, to even consider interspersing his energy between each lap around the track. A mile was just long enough for him to sprint consecutively without worrying about not making it to the finish line.

Truthfully, his running times could have gotten him a scholarship to Eugene, Oregon no problem, but Gon Freecss depended on teamwork. He preferred team sports over individual athletics any day. His dependency on a gym buddy was proof of that.

On Gon's first lap, Killua was shocked by the gust of air that whipped over him as Gon cruised past. He could see the tense muscles in Gon's arms and legs as he pumped harder, faster, as Knuckle shouted out the lap time after him. It'd take four laps and they were just over a minute.

Maybe he is conserving energy? Killua wondered, because Gon only seemed to gain speed after that lap.

The guys were all chanting and stomping. They turned the arena into a cacophony that would have deafened unsuspecting witnesses. Some people who lingered in the arena came out to watch from the stadium entrance tunnels, watching through the fences as Gon took the third lap, his hair flattened back from the wind. He was wearing a pair of compression shorts so that when the wind picked up on his Hunter green athletic shorts, rippling his shirt behind him, onlookers couldn't see the hickeys Killua had left behind on Gon's upper thighs.

Killua bit his thumbnail between his teeth as Gon whipped by him for the fourth lap. He swore he could see Gon smiling as Knuckle shouted out, "3:02!"

"Do you think he's gonna make it?" Zushi asked from the sidelines.

"He's been shaving two seconds off each lap," Kurapika said.

"He's gonna do it," Killua said. Knowing Freecss, Gon wouldn't say he should be able to do it if he wasn't planning to do it in the first place.

And then, Gon was arcing around the last loop and breaking off of the lane—jetting straight in Killua's direction.

Killua took a hurried step away from the wall so they wouldn't collide into it as Gon lunged at him and Knuckle called the time. Killua didn't even hear it—he was too busy on not scraping up his hands and elbows on the track mat where Gon flattened him.

Gon's skin was hot and sticky with sweat. There was a glistening sheen on his face as he panted, beaming at Killua as his chest heaved and his hair fell into a disarray. Killua stared at him before he saw Knuckle's shoes approach out of the corner of his eye. He followed the shape of them up the length of Knuckle's legs and then, at last, to the stopwatch in Knuckle's hand.


Killua stared at it in shock. Of course he knew Gon would beat it, but that didn't change how amazing it was.

He felt Gon's hot breath against his cheek. He turned and met Gon's lips for a short, chaste kiss before Gon pulled back to breathe again. Gon pressed his forehead to Killua's chest and cursed before perking back up and, with more vigor, crushing his mouth to Killua's again. Killua pushed into it, raising up onto his elbows as Gon kissed the Hell out of him until he was just as breathless as Gon after a 3:57 minute mile.

The audience was whistling obnoxiously, but Killua didn't care.

As they separated, Killua blinked his eyes open. Gon's brown eyes were bright, wild, and wholly focused on Killua. A shaky breath left Killua's lips as he thought to himself:

You're amazing, Freecss.

a/n: I'm working on the sequel! Here's a quick summary of it to piss you guys off because literally no one asked for this except me lol:

Sophomore year. Eight months into their relationship. Killua couldn't imagine anything going wrong, that is, until Gon's longterm ex girlfriend comes to crash the party. It would have been easier if she was a bitch, but alas, that just isn't the case. 

Breaking up with Retz was a travesty in the first place, one that Knuckle corrected via making Gon a Tinder profile. Desperate and still in love, Gon has to keep himself in check and come to terms with the fact that he's in love with two entirely different people. Falling out of love proves more difficult, and too painful for Gon and Killua. 

Will they be able to stay separated, or will Retz step in with a solution to solve all their problems?

In this sequel Retz is my favorite bi gal of the century. She's a surfer, majors in marine sciences, and had an internship in Hawaii :D She's here to take people out to brunch, wear sun hats, and dress like a plant-loving instagram influencer. She's the pacifist of the group, Gon's here to fight, and Killua's somewhere in the middle just tryna survive lol

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