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Have you ever had that day when you've done all your school work and your course work is up to date, then suddenly after a day of school you feel like DYING because all of a sudden you find out that you have HALF A COMPONENT to do for your coursework and A TONNE of homework to do if you don't want to get a homework concern on your report.

Then once you've gotten over the multiple mental breakdowns you end up having another when actually start doing your homework because then it hits you like RAPUNZEL HITTING EUGENE with the frying pan  when you realise  just how much you have to do.

Then the cherry on top of the cake is when you go home and later when your all comfy on the sofa with your laptop to do your homework with  some tissues for the tears and ice cream to help through the ordeal. Then she comes, THE MOTHER and then the dreaded conversation happens which happened a bit like this.
"What are you doing there?"
"Oh, just my homework,"
"Ohh good, when is it due in?"
"Well.... tomorrow"

Instant Death

Then chances are just because of some shitty drama happening somewhere it doesn't get done anyway. So then you end up walking  into school empty handed with your teachers all saying:
" awww your so smart I expect better than this."

With others going

"Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!HOW DARE YOU????? WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR???!!! DETENTION!!!!!!!!!!"

Then your already fatally wounded soul ends up dying again, this time in embarrassment.

I aren't even to blame for not doing my homework, because someone's either dying, I have to babysit, and my sisters having another anxiety attack because she has to talk to someone. Not to mention the multiple cups of tea and the odd jobs my mum gives me that stops me from doing my homework. And as a girl that's about to go into year eleven I should probably get my priorities straight.

But that doesn't mean I'm going too....

Or at least not until there's a month until my GCSEs

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