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Before I start I in no way mean to offend anyone, I am merely stating my opinion if this is the sort of subject that annoys you feel free to skip this chapter, but I feel the need to talk about this after reading (and listening) to the views of others.

For those of you who have never heard the term reverse racism it is basically where white people are victims of racism. Some people believe that 'reverse racism' is not a thing and that racism is where a white person is racist towards a black person, without it being the other way. Personally, I believe this is rather ignornant as racism literally means to judge or discrimate someone because of their race. Although slightly unheard of 'reverse racism' is a thing which is why big rappers like eminem found it so hard to make it in the music industry. Plus if 'reverse racism' isnt a thing then why do terms like 'white trash' exist?

Reverse racism shouldn't even be classified as a different term, it should just be referred to as racism. Full stop. I'm not sure why this bothers me so much but I think it's incredibly ignorant.

Again, I'm sorry if anyone was offended by this but this is called a rant book for a reason. 😂

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