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For those of you who have grown up with the wonderful vocabulary I have you will know exactly where this chapter is going to go.

For those who do not know what a chav is I hope to god you never meet one. Sorry for destroying your innocence with this definition

A chav is a term used to describe someone who often is very superficially this can be for both genders not just females. These types of people are basically your American gangsters who either hang around in tracksuits smoking and swearing at anyone who even talks to them or is someone who wears jeans so tight the become part of your INSIDES. Female chavs are usually seen with their hair looking a fan and their skin so orange they look like a product of an Watsit and Donald Trump himself

Now before I venture into dangerous territory myself I need for people to be aware that this isn't just aimed females. I am a fair person and will give credit to where it's due, both females and males can be chavs however unfortunate their existence is.

In my place of residence there is an INFESTATION of chavs. You turn to go to the shops to get some ice cream in preparation for your next breakdown and BAM!!! There's a chav. You start to shake from fear and then they turn to you and shout "HAHA You've got the clap!!!!! Hahahah!" Like wtf

I swear my school is full of chavs despite the thousands of rules against makeup and jewellery. It's so annoying because although chavs a mild threat to my health (that threat being against my brain cells), you can't have a moment to THINK at school without a threat of catching an STD from opening a book being shouted across the class.

It's even worse if you find yourself seeing one outside of school mainly because they hang around in big groups and all of them will turn to you and shout "OH MY GOD!!!! I haven't seen you in so long I thought you were deadddd!!!! Hahahahah. An you believe that?!" If you can't already tell there's a subspecies of chavs that are the BIGGEST fake friends.

I swear my town has a problem with pest control

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