The pack pt 1

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They both plopped down on the couch. Tala rested her head on Koda's shoulder and he swept the strands of hair from her face with his fingers. "Do you want to join the pack?" Tala abruptly asked. Koda pondered the subject for a moment.

"I don't know if I do or you want to?"

"I don't know either.... I want to learn everything I can about being a werewolf. Shadow said werewolves are protectors and I want to learn how to be." She held his hand and admired his fingers. "It would be nice to meet more people like us as well."

"You make some good points...I think we should at least meet them. We don't have to decide right now..."

When they stopped talking and remained sitting, it made them realize how tired they were and they couldn't muster up the energy to move. 

"I'm too tired to go to bed." Koda murmured. 

Tala didn't reply because she had already fallen asleep on Koda's shoulder. He smiled at how sweet she looked. He took the blanket from beside his right leg and placed it over them before falling asleep on the couch.

In the morning, Tala and Koda were woken by a light knocking. They opened their heavy eyes and looked around, trying to find the strength to get up. Tala slumped to the door and looked through the peephole. 

"It's Shadow." She unlatched and opened the door, letting in more light that made her squint. 

"Hi, Shadow.... what's going on? You want to come in?"

"Yes. I would like to talk to you both." 

Tala opened the door farther and stood out of the way. 

"Sorry I didn't realize you would still be asleep. I figured you'd be awake by 10." Shadow stepped in and removed her gloves.

 Tala rubbed her eyes and closed the door. "It's alright. We were just exhausted from the full moon. We ended up falling asleep on the couch without an alarm."

 Shadow nodded. She told Tala that she wasn't in a rush and that if they wanted time to wake up before talking she would patiently wait.

Koda opened the blinds, letting the soft morning light glow through the front windows. Tala brewed the last of the coffee and poured it into three mugs with sugar and cream. She handed a mug to Shadow and Koda, went to the bathroom, put her hair up, washed her face, and changed into comfy clean clothes and fuzzy socks. She headed back out to the kitchen to sit at the table with Shadow and Koda, still sleepy but more refreshed.

"So, how was your transformation?" Shadow inquired.

Koda took a deep breath hoping it would help him wake up. "It was great. It left us exhausted, but it was a great night." 

Tala agreed with his statement.

"That's good. I felt bad leaving you two by yourselves but the pack always runs together. I had to be with them....The reason I came here was to tell you that one of our members spotted the hunter driving out of town. He is having a hard time tracking us because of it raining and clearing all of the footprints. We should hopefully be okay until the next full moon when we have to transform again. If you two want to meet the pack it would be a great time to do so. We are all in town except for the leader who went to Northern Washington to find more wolfsbane. She'll be back in a few days hopefully."

"We aren't sure if we want to join or not, but if it's alright, I think we would like to meet the pack and ask some questions." Tala said as she glanced at Koda.

"When is a good time to meet?"

 They told Shadow that any night that week would work.

 "All right, then how about tomorrow at 6? We have a special meeting place in town at a barn. I can drive you there."

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