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Swimming in a pool of sad emotions, sinking in pain, drowning in confusion, there's peace in darkness, there's life in my loneliness, I see love in betrayal, I hide behind silence, I dive into this silence, this darkness I have come to find shelter in, I do it because alone is all I have known, i do it because im my own friend, I learned how to be that in a world full of cruel people, but not even my isolation from the world, my pool of deranged emotions could prepare nor protect me from heartbreak, I was just as vulnerable as the next person who thought they'd be able to avoid it, to counter it. Im just wondering if now I can conquer it. In my dark hole I always found peace, but now I want to dive into a different existence, get pushed by the waves into another forever, a different Infinity, a forever with a different kind of peace, a darkness that holds beauty, a pool that sinks me into good emotion. A darkness that is fulfilled, a darkness that conquers what is hollow and makes me whole, a darkness that craves happiness and strives for peace and comes to terms with love. A darkness where I can see myself in the light of the blackness, see through my heart. Fall in love with my surroundings, I want to fall in love with me. I don't want to only be able to sink myself into another​ Infinity because of solitude, but because of the strength of love that carves that solitude, I want to swim around and feel the beauty of a darkness dissolved in purity where I feel immune to hate and pride because I'd know I'm surrounded by love and best of all waters filled with much more than life but a wise and happy soul, one that can make me whole without avoiding pain but embraces all it's cuts and bruises so they can lead my currents to peace once again. I crave fulfillment. Not to be more than or better than what I was but to just leave, be away from all that's haunting me. I want to look them straight in the eyes and make peace with all my demon's. To live in a world among them and not feel a sense of torture at their presence, but​ to be content because as they float around they'd no longer exist because my peace would remain that and they'd never be able to break me again.

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