Note To Self

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So the I figured, you can't please everyone but you sure can please yourself, now it's time to find me and be happy with just me, because honestly there's so much you can do for a person to show them that you truly care for them and love them only to have it thrown in your face or have to wait for them to be ready to love you. I know that I am finally ready to find me and what I have in store for me, I just want a quiet world that for now consists of just me and the clearing of my thoughts and negativity, I want to be happy with me and at peace with me. I guess it's time I became one with myself again and pull back the girl I lost scrapping through the thorns of pains, and once she's found she's never letting herself go again. It's time for me to get together in a meeting with myself and pull myself out of the dark end and see the light again and turn my back on whatever wants to stay in the dark because as Riri said ''in the dark you can't see shiny cars'' and honestly at some point I thought I was needed there. Well this time I am taking an oath and I am going to stick it out to the very end, the only difference is that now it's with me.

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