Music To my Heart

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You know what this feels like? Its like that one song you listen to over and over again all day everyday till eventually you get tired of it, and slowly with time you get over it and eventually you forget about it. Till someday a hell of a long time after, you hear it again and you remember the lyrics word for word and the song still has the same effect it had on you before all that time that passed. You know why? Because all that time may have passed but the words in the song don't change, you remember the lyrics just the way they were in the past, because it's still the same song, same lyrics, all that has passed is time but what the song symbolises to you will never change because of its constant state, time would have passed yes but it doesn't change the lyrics to the same old song. That's what the pain feels like. It's that song, you keep playing it on repeat and you know what, the lyrics haven't changed, my heart remembers them the way it did the first time it experienced the feelings the song brings to it. PAIN.

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