Chapter 1

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I could say it but you wont believe me
You say you do but you don't deceive me
It's hard to know they're out there
It's hard to know that you still care
I could say it but you wont believe me
You say you do but you don't deceive me
Dead hearts are everywhere


Plan happily walked to school with his hand on his backpack strap and his eyes wandering about. He was wearing a puffy green and white striped shirt that transitioned into full white as it went down the sleeve.

It was quite unusual actually for someone like him to wear such vibrant clothes. Most Stars feel compelled to dress dark but Plan wasn't like the rest of the Stars.

Since Stars' hearts can't die some people say they're already dead. Seeing the ghost reminds them of all the sadness in the world and drives them into depression.

Plan on the other hand didn't see it that way. Seeing the ghosts reminded him of all the good he could do. His life mission became to try and revive as many hearts as he could.

Whenever he'd pass by a ghost he'd try his best to offer a comforting smile just to try to help.

He looked around and saw what regular people see. The bright blue sky, the soft green grass and the people walking by.

He also saw so much more than that. He saw the sad ghost who were searching for something when they didn't even know what they were looking for. They were grey and almost colorless with smoke like clouds trailing behind them. Some looked around in hopes of finding a familiar face, some just stood still with an emotionless expression on their faces and some sat on the sidewalk head in their hands trying to cry. You see the ghost are void of most emotions except sadness and longing so they don't know how to cry.

Plan's heart sunk for a second feeling their pain but he just told himself he could help so much more if he were happy.

He finally made it to school at sat down on the table where all his friends already were. They were all laughing about something stupid that Title did when Plan arrived.

"Plan!" Perth exclaimed wrapping his arm around his best friend's shoulders and pulling him on to the seat next to him.

"Ouch Perth stop being so rough." Plan complained because of the pain in his butt.

"Sorry. I'm just excited today." Perth said smiling sheepishly.

"He's just excited to tell you of the latest drama." Title said as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh Perth when do you not have gossip?" Gun said making them all laugh.

Perth just smiled happily and went on to blabber about whatever new thing he heard in their chaotic student body.

His story was interrupted by a smiley boy running up to them. "Hi!" He said cutely.

Mean made his way up to the group and sat beside Plan.

Mean unlike his name was the definition of everything bright in the world. The boy had a constant smile across his face that rivaled the shine of the sun itself. Despite his height he usually seemed to act like a small hyper child. His cuteness and small crinkles in the corners of his eyes on display always.

Unlike him Plan was more discrete. Plan made people happy in small seemingly unnoticeable ways. He provided comfort and safety to people. Whereas Mean's mere unnoticeable presence seemed to liven up the room.

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