Chapter 10

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Gun sneezed cutely and buried his face in the blanket. Mark chuckled lightly at his adobleness.

"I hate bweing sick." There was an emphasized 'w' in his words due to his clogged nose.

"Awhhh but you're so cute like this." Mark ruffled his hair.

Gun pouted and hid himself further under the blanket.

"Come on." Mark said playfully. He pulled down the blanket and the older's cute face peaked out. "It's my turn to take care of you."

Mark gently put his hand on Gun's head to check the temperature.

"You're burning up." Mark said concerned. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital."

"Don't worry." Gun said. "It's just colds season I've been feeling this for a while. Last night I just stayed up too late and I'm feeling the effects today."

Mark chuckled and cupped his cheek.

"Take care of yourself okay?" Mark said and Gun nodded. "I don't want to have to live without your squishy cheeks." He teased and started playing with Gun's face.

"Stoph it." Gun demanded as Mark started to pinch his cheeks.

"But you're swo cute." Mark continued to make fun of him. He wasn't lying though Gun was very cute.

"You're so mean." Gun whined and flipped his body so that his back was facing Mark.

"Hey I'm just joking." Mark laughed.

When he didn't get a reply he was worried that he had upset him.

"Gun?" Mark said soothingly. He put his hand on his arms and was moving closer to him on the bed.

He kept ignoring the younger with his arms crossed.

"I'm sorry." Mark begged cutely. "I won't make fun of you today anymore I promise~"

Gun smiled to himself at the other's sweet words but kept giving him the silent treatment.

Suddenly he felt Mark get off the bed. He felt like he had done something to hurt the boy. Gun felt bad instant and closed his eyes to try and control his negative emotions.

Before he knew it Mark had jumped into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around the taller boy and snuggled him into his chest.

"Mark!" He said. "Go away from me you're going to get sick."

"Forgive me." He ravenette begged.

"Okay I forgive you." Gun laughed. "Now you're going to get the virus!"

Mark hummed and looked down at Gun. He placed a quick peck on his nose. "Nope I'm happy here."

Gun didn't feel like he had the power to protest because sudden butterflies filled his stomach and his face became even warmer if that was possible.

He just snuggled himself into Mark's arms and let him hold him.

Mark smiled down at him and his heart soared.

"Hey Gun." Mark said.

"Yeah?" He replied. His voice was muffled due to the fact that his face was pressed in Mark's chest.

"This won't ever change right?" Mark asked.

He could tell that the younger was started to get vulnerable. Gun looked up at him.

"As long as it's in my control," He wrapped his arms around the smaller boy. "-it won't."

Mark smiled happily and pulled him up so he could be face to face with Gun.


"You ready?" Saint asked.

They were standing in Perth's living room. The two hadn't left the house in days, not since Perth became a Star.

Perth has a blindfold over his eyes and his hands were trebling.

The younger nodded, unsure.

"Okay." Saint's voice was soft, as if soothing him to sleep. "It's alright you can do this."

He undid the knot. He carefully pulled the fabric off.

Perth was still forcing his eyes shut. He knew he had to get it over with eventually so he slowly opened his eyes.

For a few seconds everything was regular. There were no ghosts and voices swirling around.

Perth was starting to get less afraid. Maybe I can do this? He hoped.

The room was very comforting for the first time in a while He was able to look at his home without being terrified. It was a good feeling.

Suddenly a scream rang through the room and they all appeared.

The grey dull lost souls were all staring at Perth and begging for help. They were taking steps forward and Perth was walking away.

"No no no no." He chanted. "Stay away from me! Please!"

They kept coming closer and Perth had his back pressed against the wall already.

Saint quickly caught him in his arms when he saw that the younger was about to collapse. All the ghosts moved back.

"It's okay I've got you." Saint said as Perth's body seemed to give out.

His eyes kept wondering to the ghosts and his heart wouldn't stop feeling like it was ready to tear itself apart.

"You did so great." The older said. "You kept your eyes open. Perth you're getting better." Now Saint felt like he was ready to break down. He just wanted Perth to be okay so badly. Though he kept a brave face for Perth.

Perth held him closer and tears started to decorate his eyes. Despite the glassy eyes he was still starring at all the Dead Hearts unable to look away.


"Are we going to talk about yesterday?" Plan asked gently cupping his drink.

"Actually I've been talking about it so much." Mean said truly. "Gun's very annoyed at me already."

Plan laughed loudly at that. The two were currently at a small cafe that one of thier friends recommended.

"That kiss." Plan said.

"Was amazing." Mean continued dreamily.

"Yeah it was" Plan admitted.

They sat there for a while in a comforting silence.

"Can I have another one?" Plan blurted out his face flushed red when he heard his own words.

Mean smiled. He was more than happy to comply.

He leaned over the table and cupped Plan's cheek. He closed the gap between them.

The kiss was soft and sweet just like their first one. Plan gently kissed back and moved his lips against the soft ones.

Sadly Mean had to pull away because they were in a public place.

The smaller boy gently touched his lips and smiled shyly as his heart sped up.

Another rollercoaster of emotions Chapter whooosh

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