Chapter 3

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"I don't get it! Why didn't they share the raft. Then they both would've been able to survive!" Saint said with a confused face.

"Jack wanted to show his love for her by sacrificing himself so she could live. It's an act of true love." Earth explained to Saint.

"That's stupid." Saint said throwing himself back on the couch.

Earth rolled his eyes at his friend. "You're hopeless." He teased.

Perth told Saint that he wanted to watch Titanic later and Saint knew he wouldn't be able to understand all the cheesy cliches in that movie so he asked Earth to help him.

"I don't get how anyone can enjoy this." Saint mumbled.

"It's sweet, especially for someone who's a romantic like Perth." Earth explained. "So what are you even trying to do here?" He asked making Saint confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you trying to be romantic and all?"

"For Perth." Saint replied instantly. "I want to be the perfect boyfriend for him and if I want to be that I need to learn how to appreciate things like this."

Earth listened attentively to his explanation.

"I don't deserve him. I know that for a fact. So I'm going to do anything I can do to even be good enough for him." Saint said.

"You know that Perth likes you for who you are right? Stop trying to be someone you're not for him." Earth said.

It reminded Saint of one of those cliches he never understood. "Whatever I still need to make an effort at least."

Earth sighed at his friend's stubbornness. "Alright let's continue the movie."


"Mean?" Plan called our in his empty home. He needed at see that ghost again. If that ghost was Mean's dead heart then Plan needed to fix his heart. He couldn't seem to understand why Mean would be broken. He never showed any signs, he was always happy and it just seemed so impossible. Either way Plan couldn't stand the thought of Mean suffering so he had to do something. There was also something very strange about that child.

"Don't be scared I'm here to help you." Plan's voice was soft and gentle.

Suddenly smoke appeared and clouded in one area and the little boy appeared.

"hi" He said shyly.

"So you are Mean right?" Plan said making sure.

"Yeah but my friends call me Mini." The ghost said nodding. "Because I'm small."

Plan laughed internally. If only you knew how tall you will become. He said to himself.

"Are we friends?" Plan smiled cutely.

The ghost smiled back at him. "Yeah."

Plan was shocked because usually ghosts can't smile. Because of the fact that they supposedly can't feel happiness.

"Okay Mini. Why do you need my help?" He asked sitting on his bed and gesturing to the spot beside him for Mini to sit on.

The boy struggled and hosted himself up onto the bed beside Plan. "I want to be happy."

"But you were smiling a while ago. Weren't you happy?" Plan asked looking down beside him.

"Hmmmm I don't know." The boy said truthfully. "I just want to be happy."

"Okay so what do you know about yourself?" Plan asked. He had to avoid mentioning that he was a ghost because they aren't supposed to know that. I could drive them to insanity if they realize it.

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