Chapter 9

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Plan was still thinking about the offer.

It's all he could think of. He felt like there's this ticking time bomb over him that will explode if he doesn't make his choice soon.

He's been out of the house a lot trying to clear his head. Though he would always make time to talk to Mini.

Mini's a very sweet and kind kid. Just like Mean he's very playful and curious about the world. Plan very much enjoyed their conversations.

"So why do you need to eat?" Mini asked tilting his head to the side just like Mean would.

"So I can live." Plan explained.

"But why?" Mini asked still confused.

"When you eat the food gives you nutrients and gives you energy to live." Plan continued.

"Why don't I need to eat?" The boy asked.

"Because you're magic." Plan said sweetly poking his nose making them both giggle.

"I'm maaaagic." He happily whispered to himself. His smile was so cute making his cheeks puff out. Plan pinched his cheek making him giggle again.

He was also going to miss Mini a lot but he knew it was best for everyone if he went away.

After that he decided to go out of the house for a while to get some fresh air. He also wanted to be able to see the world as a Star while he still could.

His phone suddenly vibrated saying that he had a message.

He pulled out his phone and read the notification.

Plan please come over.

It was a quick and scary text form Mean. The boy usually used so many emojis so Plan started to worry about him again.

Was he mad? Was he in trouble? Am I in trouble? Plan wondered. Oh my god, what if he found out that I'm a Star and doesn't want to see me anymore? Oh nooooo

He panicked and ran over to Mean's house.

He knocked on the door but then realized it was open. Plan's mind went to the worst possibility and he ran into the house.

He busted the door to Mean's room open wide.

Plan suddenly screamed loudly when Mean jumped at him from his bed the second he entered the room.

Mean lacked himself on Plan like a koala bear and the smaller boy started to lose his strength. He ran quickly to throw Mean onto the bed. He pinned him down so he could stop him from jumping again.

"Gotcha." He smirked. This is how they always were. They always played rough so Plan wasn't new to Mean's sneak attacks.

"Nope!" Mean smiled and pulled him onto the bed quickly shifting their positions. They both laughed hard as they wrested.

Eventually Plan was sitting on Mean's stomach and he tried his best to push his arms down onto the bed. Mean seemed to be much stronger so he pushed Plan off of him. He grabbed him off the floor and threw him on the bed making him scream and laugh.

When his body hit the soft mattress he chuckled in relief. Though it didn't last long because Mean flopped himself on Plan's body completely trapping him.

He was significantly taller putting Plan at a great disadvantage.

"Get off!" Plan laughed and tried to push him up

"Hmmmm" mean teased. "Nah I think I'll take a nap first" He said snuggling on Plan.

"Hey you bastard! Let me go!" Plan whined.

Mean started fake snoring making Plan whine even louder.

He then thought of a way out of this. He moved his hand to tickle Mean's back since he knew it was his biggest tickle spot.

Mean laughed loudly and threw himself off Plan and onto the side of the bed. Plan continued to tickle torture him till he was weak enough for Plan to go on top of him and pin him down.

Eventually Mean's laughter died down and his breathing went back to normal.

They suddenly realized how close they were. Plan was sitting on his stomach so his face was just a few inches away from Mean's.

He could feel Mean's heart beating fast and hard against his body making him equally as nervous.

Plan took time to study the face of the amazing person sitting in front of him. Mean's face was decorated with sweat and his hair was messy but he still looked so perfect to Plan.

Once he was done trapping every inch of him in his memory, he didn't know what to do next. Plan felt too shy to do what his heart told him so he just stayed put.

Suddenly out of nowhere Mean moved his face up off the mattress and closed the gap between between their lips.

Plan's eyes were wide with shock but it was clearly a welcome surprise.

They just stayed there for a while with nothing more than a sweet touch of their lips.

Plan thought of making the first move this time so he slowly moved his lips so kiss Mean.

Shortly after Mean followed and put his hand on Plan's waist. Plan snaked his hand to cup Mean's cheek and kiss him deeper.

For some reason all the usual sound a Star would hear were now gone for Plan. All he could hear, all he could feel, All he could see and all he could think of was just Mean.

He slowly smiled into the kiss making Mean chuckle and kiss him deeper.

When Plan pulled away Mean slowly say up to hold the smaller boy in his arms.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." Mean said still high from their kiss.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to do that." Plan checked and Mean smiled.

He pulled him in for more of those sweet kisses. Plan was not sitting on his lap so he was able to pull his body as close as possible to his. Plan's arms were draped lovingly around his neck.

And with that Plan made his choice.

I love this chapter it's so cute uwu

It's short but it's such an amazing event the first kiss AHHHH

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