Chapter 12

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Saint loves Perth.

He's loved him since the first time he saw him. It was years ago when Perth walked into the classroom with a hair of uncombed hair, a skateboard that he had stolen from a stranger and a drink with a little umbrella on top.

"You guys aren't gonna believe what just happened." He said to the whole class. Before the teacher could stop him, he already starting going on about his bizarre but believable story. The whole class what captivated but one more than the others.

Saint didn't know what it was. Was it his charming sass or his kind face or his emotion filled voice or was it really anything? If someone asked him why he loved Perth he wouldn't be able to come up with an answer but at the same time it was just everything about him.

Perth managed to work his way into their squad as it formed. He also managed to work his way into the older's heart.

Eventually his feelings grew so much. He promised himself that on that day he'd ask Perth out.

He broke that promise.

Because before Saint could pop the question, Perth beat him to it.

"So I've got vouchers for movie tickets. Would you want to go with me?" The usually flamboyant boy was acting shy and nervous. "You knoooow, just the two of us, like a date." He mumbled the last words.

Saint was about to answer when the other's nervousness got the best of him.

"We can watch whatever movie you want." He rambled. "I like romcoms but if that's not your type we can watch something else. Horror is fine with me. Well, it's not. I get scared really easily but if that's what you want then I'm all for it. If you think it's weird we can invite Plan but I'd rather it just be you and me so- yeah."

Saint chuckled lovingly at his personality. "I'd love to go with you, just the two of us, like a date." He quoted Perth making him giggle. "And we don't need to watch horror. I'm willing to watch that new romcom with you."

"Really?" He smiled. "Let's go!" As they walked side by side Perth kept going on about what he's heard of the movie they're about to watch.

Saint isn't romantic but he wanted to be Perth's perfect boyfriend.

Perth seemed to always know when he was faking. He would always make him stop and ask him to be himself. He knew Saint so well that he could read behind his mask that he put up so carefully for him.

Though on the day that Saint asked him to be his boyfriend officially, Perth knew that the speech he gave was 100% authentic.

Perth stared at him in awe and love as he proclaimed his love for him. He wasn't being a cliché he was just saying how he truly felt.

With happy tears in his eyes he enveloped Saint in a hug and said yes a million times.

From that day on, Saint has only fallen deeper for him.

He began seeing the beauty in flamboyant and loud things. (Turns out Saint really loves fireworks too.) Perth is the light of his life. The thing that brought vividness into his rather mild world. Perth showed him the whole spectrum of color after years of him not even knowing he was colorblind.

Now that same color is slowly being drained out of the once rainbow souled boy.

Saint cradled Perth in his arms gently rocking back and forth as he let him cry his heart out. It ruin his shirt. He didn't really care though. All Saint cared about was Perth.

It's been weeks and he doesn't know if the boy's going to be getting better anytime soon.

No. He tried to tell himself. Perth's gonna be okay. I know it.

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