Chapter 4

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Mark walked aimlessly down the street. Gun went home early form school today so he was walking home alone.

He felt a certain emptiness for the boy's absence but tried to ignore it and focus on the music playing in his earphones.

After a while the shuffle play brought it to the song "Creep" by Radiohead, the song Gun sang yesterday. Mark couldn't deny to himself that he enjoyed hearing Gun sing it rather than the original.

He smiled and hummed along to the song remembering how angelic Gun looked yesterday.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder making him jump back in surprise.

When he turned around to see who had touched him there was nothing but the faint smell of a burning flower.

He looked around for a while trying to find the culprit but there was no one around him.

He hesitantly stuffed his hands in his pockets and continued walking home.

His mind wandered back to his beloved redhead and his most instantly relaxed.

A cold feeling ran through his cheek as a hand slowly appeared and cupped his face.

When he looked up to see who it was he just saw a blinding light making him fall onto the ground.

When his vision was restored he saw nothing except a puff of smoke where it was.

His hands were shaking and his breath was unsteady. He was terrified. He had no one idea what that thing was or what it wanted from him. The lingering feeling of sparks from wherever it touched him confused him even more. He felt too weak and scared to get up. He brought out his phone and dialed the familiar number.

"Plan." Mark breathed out still jittering.

"Yeah what's up?" He asked seemingly not noticing his wavering voice.

"Something weird just happened." Mark said making the boy finally worry. He explained the previous events to his friend.

"Weird things have been happening to me too." Plan was referring to Mini. "We'll go to the library tomorrow. For now don't be home alone and go somewhere safe okay?"

"Okay." Mark replied and thanked his friend before carefully standing up.

He dialed another number and waited patiently for him to answer.

"Hey Mark." Gun said from the other line.

"Can I stay over I don't feel well."

Gun's voice softened. "Of course. Come here I'll take care of you."

Mark's heart swelled at his words and nodded unconsciously. When he remembered that Gun couldn't see his nod through the phone he replied.

He quickly ran over to Gun's house in excitement but mostly fear. His heart was racing and he really just wanted to be as far away from whatever that was. He didn't stop took have any time to evaluate whether the 'thing' was still near him or not.

Finally just as his feet were about to give up, he made it to the door of Gun's house. He knocked on the door frantically.

Quickly Gun came to open the door and the second he saw him relief took over his heart as he fell into his arms.

"Woah!" Gun exclaimed catching the boy in a tight hug. "Are you okay?"

Mark hid his face in Gun chest. "Panic attack." He mummed thinking it was the best response he could give him for now.

Gun carefully ran his hand through the boy's hair trying to calm him down. Eventually when his heart seemed to stop pounding so hard that Gun could feel the vibrations in his chest, Gun held his hand and led him into the house. He sat him down carefully on the couch and went to close the door.

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