Chapter 13

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"Room 7211 building 4."

Mark ran all the way up to the room. The nurse that was supposed to escort him was long left behind. His heart was beating through his ears and the world seemed to slow.

He couldn't hear anything besides his thumping pulse and his heaving breathing. He shoved away the people and dodged the tables. It was about 12 pm so there were luckily less people in his way.

All the fear, pain, love, dread and hope mixed in him. He needed to see Gun.

Finally he reached the room and he pushed open the door to be welcomed by the sound of Gun's flat heart rate.


Mark wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. He wanted to die. He begged and begged the universe for it to now be true. He prayed he was just imagining things, the consistent flat sound was just a backtrack detail to one of Gun's newest songs and Gun with his bright red hair with black roots growing out wasn't gone from his life forever.

He couldn't believe any of the lies he spoon fed himself. He just stood there as he felt his world fall apart.

In the midst of the darkness in the room, he realized that Gun wasn't alone. Next to his bed was a familiar figure. His grey hair obvious despite the lack of light and the blur of smoke trailing with him.

The smell of burning flowers invaded his lungs as the figure turned around.

"Five?" Mark asked, knowing those star specked eyes all too well. His face held no emotion. He simply stared at him.

Five's eyes began to glow so bright making Mark fall over. Just like a blink, when Mark opened his eyes, he was gone.

The room was now whiter under the bright hospital light and Gun's heart rate resumed like normal.

Mark took hesitant and slow moments to stand up again. His eyes were wide and he had to hold onto the door frame for support.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Mark?" Gun asked as he opened his eyes.

The other boy couldn't bring himself to respond. He just stood there with his whole body shaking as the seconds passed and the smell of burning flowers suffocated him.


1 am rolled around and Plan was getting ready to get out of his house. He pulled on a grey hoodie and layered it with a green flannel. It was chilly out in the night so he hid his hair with a matching green beanie and slipped his shoes on.

He took his time getting to the forest to meet Best. He needed to mentally prepare himself for all of this.

It was like making a bet with the universe with not only his magic but his heart on the line.

He could end up broken in so many ways.

Every piece of common sense in him was telling him that this was a bad idea. Plan didn't know the first thing about flirting. How was he going to make Mean fall in love with him? That boy is oblivious to everything. How will this affect their friendship? Would Mean hate him for using his heart even if it was to help him?

What if I fail?

but what if he succeeds? What's he going to do next?

He didn't know shit.

All he knew was that he was willing to take the risk for Mean.

He stepped off the road and into the forest. He felt the crunching of leaves and twigs under his feet. He didn't feel the slightest bit scared. Best had placed a protection charm on him so any magical or natural creatures wouldn't harm him. He looked up at the stars that peaked past the tall silhouettes of the trees. The trees stood tall as they watched over the city.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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