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April 12th, 1994

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April 12th, 1994. 7:00 P.M.

Dallas stood before an oval mirror which hung over a sink in the restroom of the bar. He stares aimlessly at himself inside of it, he never cared much about his appearance. He knew deep down he wasn't the most attractive man, but he wasn't the ugliest either. It was so simple to throw on any clothes, but he dressed like everyone else. His thoughts zone onto the ring again, he pulls it out and holds it between his fingers. It's still large and red, and shines under these simple bathroom lights like the street ones and the ones at the jewellers. He had to think, but fast. This ring is the future for him. It's all he has, if he gave it away, he'd have something else in his possession.

I watched as he made his way back to the table. Instantly upon seeing the look on his face, I could tell he's been thinking about something. I wondered if the thought of spending the rest of his life with me had a thing to do with it... So consumed in my own thoughts, I didn't notice his hand holding a ring in it. He pointed it up to me, then took my hand in his own. He places it at the tip on my third finger then looks up at me with stars in his own eyes, "I think we can make it work. I'll take care of the two of us. Will you make me happy and become my wife?"

I gave me a look, so in shock and suddenly I busted into hot tears. I practically jumped across the table, crying and I said, "Yes! God yes." He slides the ring on. I pulled back my hand to stare at the stunning ring, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life, "It's really, really gorgeous." I wept.

Next thing I know we're getting hot and heavy in the backseat. His hands gripped, were all in my hair, they were everywhere. It didn't take long to realise his serious talents. The weight of his body on top of mine, allows every inch of me to melt into him, I can feel all of him pressed against me, the heat of his limbs controlling my every move. He kisses me harder, deeper with more passion like an urgency I've never known before. The taste of his mouth made me realise that I'll never be able to have enough, evoking sensations I've never known before. I inhale the malt liquor on his tongue, letting his face stubble, so slight and it rubs against my cheek.

A little whimper escapes the corner of my mouth, his trailing lips stumbled down my neck, sending small kisses all over my collarbone. His strong hands began to wander too, he slides them up my dress causing me to arch back. I shove his shoulders back, he doesn't understand and continues, but I push a bit harder this time and finally the words, "Wait. Stop..." slip out. He positions himself up right next to me, still touching my bare knee. I sit up as well; I don't want to look at his disappointment. But I find myself glaring over. He's just sitting there, looking off into space, "Sorry... What's on your mind?" I asked, very nervously.

He shots me an odd smirk, probably just moving his lips around oddly, "I just want you to know that we can take our time with this. I know you're not a virgin anymore... But it's more sensitive than that." He was right. Absolutely correct. This whole situation was delicate. We're entering new territory together... this could make or break us. I moved around to the hood of the car and sat upon it. Dallas lit a cigarette, leaning against it with me. Everything was silent, yet we both understood everything. We didn't need to speak. It was all understood. 

But I couldn't help the feeling of guilt. I had jumped into bed so fast with Paul and Steve, I didn't want to ruin things so fast with Dally. Even though I've known him my entire life, this was something different, something new... He meant so much to me. I couldn't bare the idea of me destroying it... I can't live without him. I started to hear a rustling noise, followed by a slurred voice. Both of us looked at the bush, seeing a dark figure emerging from behind it. 

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