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April 21st, 1994

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April 21st, 1994. 11:46 A.M.

We arrived at the illegal marriage house the next morning. A woman opened the door, she said that she was expecting us, then walked us down two separate hallways to get ready. In my room hung a dozen white dresses that I was to choose from, she left me in there. I walked around, trailing my hands over the dresses until I pulled out a nice one in my size, or close too. When she returned to put it on me, it wouldn't fit, "I'm sure this is your size." she said dumbfounded, I laughed it off, "Maybe I've gained weight for all the fast food we've been eating."  inside I was curious, I couldn't have eaten so bad to have gained this much weight around my stomach. The lady found me another dress, two sizes bigger and it fit perfectly. 

At this time, I didn't have a single clue what I was getting myself into. I found myself sat in front of a large mirror, with all kinds of beauty products sprawled before my very eyes. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous; we hadn't actually spoken about anything to do with marriage. I didn't know what kind of man he could be, or sort of husband. The lady began brushing my hair softly, until there wasn't any knots left before starting to style it, and all I could think of was what we were going to do later tonight. 

Before long we were stood in front of each other in the small backyard, I couldn't even remember walking out here. He looked so well groomed for once and wore a navy suit. His eyebrows were still the erratic mess I've always loved, Dallas looked so perfect, I felt like my knees would buckle beneath me and I'd melt all over this nice pavement. The lady smiled at the lines of her book before speaking, "We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Dallas Winston and Bianca Cruise in marriage." Our hands were together now, his were rough, mine soft and I was shaking too.

For once I felt unsafe, I knew the man he was, what I didn't know was if he could change. You see, Dallas has a lot of baggage, his parents disowned him at a young age, and he turned to the streets, that's his life, it's all he's ever known. The streets of our town aren't safe, and that's how he grew up. The difference between the two of us was that I had a home to go to every night, with a warm home cooked meal on the table, while Dallas turned to more illegal corners of the night. I could stand here and truly say I am apart of that, but it would be a lie. We're more different than I could've imagined, yet I blindly followed him into a downward spiral.

I found my vision on the floor now, I had to glance back up to him. I stared soullessly into those dead, doughy brown eyes as the words, "I do." Strain out of his mouth. Suddenly, I realised he was feeling the same way, yet neither of us objected. It was too late when I said those two detrimental words, "I do." Suddenly our weary eyes matched, mine blue and his brown, and then our faces inched closer and we tied the knot. I squeezed my eyelids shut, as our lips met, the spark was gone... in a moment, the power he held over me had faded and I was for once in my life, feeling free. 


A/N: Apparently I skipped the chapter number 17, and wrote 18 instead, just ignore that.

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