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April 12th, 1994

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April 12th, 1994. 7:35 P.M.

One foot steps into the light from the darkness, then an entire body emerges from behind the bush. Dally pushes me back with one arm and moves in front of me. The strange man seemed delusional, like his head wasn't in this world. He was wearing tattered clothing, probably homeless or on something. He glares right into Dally's eyes, titling his neck slightly, then he throws his head back and chuckles like a mad man.

Without any warning, he lunges forward, sweeping towards us. Dally threw an arm up to block his face, but the man halts right in front of him. I sunk deeper into Dally's back, as the man breathed heavily, brushing his chest against his. Although the man was a bit bigger than Dally, he tried not to look like he was afraid. He smelled so heavily of booze that I nearly choked, "What do I have here?" he croaked with a rashly voice, "A couple of rich kids?" he adds.

I couldn't understand how he would think that. We hadn't showered or changed our clothing in two days, and we don't have more than a couple of dollars in our pockets. "We aren't rich." I spat, attempting to seem tough. I could feel Dallas tense up, he wished I didn't say that. Dally moved in circles, holding me back as the man attempted to confront me, "It looks like we have a smart little girl." He lipped, rubbing his hands together, his eyes were now on me. "I said back off." Dally finally gritted through his teeth.

"Let's fight little boy." I feel the blood drain out of my face at those words. This man could kill us. Luckily Dally wasn't afraid, he shoved me back then stood up to the man again, "You wouldn't want to mess with me." He seethed a warning, standing his ground strongly. The man cracks all the knuckles in his hands, then neck, squinting his eyes just a tiny bit, "Or what'll happen kid."

Suddenly he pounced forward and snatched my upper arm with a tight grip. I tried viciously, madly to escape his hold, but he was too strong. Dally calmly flicked out the pistol he kept in the waistband of his belt, then made it aware to the man who eyed it but didn't care. He pulled me in closer into his hairy chest, into a sort of hug. I shoved him away, but again he's got a strong hold on me. "Get off!" I whined, thrashing around.

Dally grabs a fist full of his hair, leaning the man's head back so he could look at him, "Get the f off." He swore, holding the barrel of the gun against the man's forehead, "I'll blow your god damn head off! I swear it!" I gulped down; we were all frozen in place for a moment.

I don't know what came over him, but somehow the trigger was pulled. The feeling of warm, wetness upon my face and I knew what it was. Dally drops his shaking hand to the side of him, with the gun still firm in his hand. The limp body of the man collapses at my feet, I was in so much shock I just looked to Dallas then back to the dead person. 

a/n: sorry iv been afk for ages, this isn't checked for spelling, so hopefully it's fine 

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