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April 20th, 1994

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April 20th, 1994. 11:02 A.M.

The week that passed made me feel like a real human for once, I hadn't felt that way in a very long time. It was nice while it lasted, but by the seventh day it was time to return to the life of crime. Dallas and I packed the car pull of supplies that Johnny and Morgan brought us. I was awfully grateful for their undivided helping hand and word. I half expected the police to show up and arrest us.  

We hit the road again, this time without the need same theme of distress, the rest was well needed. The car bumps over a bridge when Dally's mind sparks, he threw his arm over into the backseat and started to try to find the money. I told him to stop and climbed into the back myself, after a furrow search I couldn't find it. I gulped down the vile sickness that I was feeling and frantically did a second round of looking, to no avail I had to tell him, "I can't find it." I mumbled anxiously. 

He swerved into a deserted path, sending me flying against the car door. I winced in pain as he shot around to the boxes and rummaged through them. The panic eroded him, he shredded everything apart and threw objects out of the car door behind him. Soon enough he realised the roll of cash was gone, and returned to the drivers seat. He completely loses it in the front, thrashing around violently, screaming and cursing at the top of his lungs. It honestly scared the hell out of me.

I had to step out to give him a moment to cool down from his mental breakdown. When I hear nothing more, I get back into the car. His face is bright red, his jaw is clenched and he's sweating through his shirt, damp from rage. I flicked down the shade mirror, and smoothed my eyebrows done, "Are you better now?" I asked, a little frightened if he were to explode again. "I had a moment." he spoke calmly, like he was holding back an inner ignition about to go off, "How are we going to live now?" He shoots me a deadly stare, I sink deeper into the seat and shut my mouth as he starts the car, "Don't stress on it." he exhaled in displeasure. 

April 20th, 1994. 5:49 P.M.

We found ourselves at a hotel in the next state over, I lingered around the lobby while Dallas did all the talking at the front desk. Nobody asked any questions or pointed fingers to us. I found it oddly coincidental that we were near the underage marriage home, I wondered if Morgan got to him before I could. He whistles to me like a puppy and I go running over to him like one, I was painfully aware of my actions at this point. I was retreating into the life of his younger, more innocent and inferior child. It was all I knew. 

April 20th, 1994. 6:22 P.M.

The public rooms were busy, Dallas and I made our way to the lively dining and hosting room for dinner. We're seated, I glance around the room at other couples while he scans the menu already ravished for a meal. When I wasn't looking, a man swiftly walks past the table and slides a napkin with something in it right in front of Dallas. 

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