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April 13th, 1994

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April 13th, 1994. 1:13 P.M.

The pair emerged from the banks doors only ten minutes later, Dallas had a grin of success sprawled across his mouth and was swinging a large bag, presumably of cash back and forth as he walked. Ponyboy said his goodbyes, and we parted ways.  As we headed back to the car, Dally's demeanour changed and he grew a level of seriousness. He laid the bag in his lap behind the steering wheel, and dug through to pull out a handful of notes, a pistol like the one we had earlier and a bricked mobile phone. 

"Listen." he spoke clearly, but didn't look in my direction, instead off into the street, "I need to know if you want to ditch, and I need to know now."  I shook my head, not understanding what he was fully asking, "You want me to leave?"  I responded naively, just sitting there wondering what was going through his mind, "No, tell me that you understand me."  he replies weakly, I nod firmly as he continued on, "I have to know if you're in or not. This isn't back home, playground crap anymore. This is serious, we could go to prison for life. See you're young, innocent appearing and I'm not. They'll fall down hard on me."  he strained so heavily. I finally understood that he didn't want me to leave, he wanted me to be safer than he was. 

I stared at him directly in those big brown, tough eyes that only I could see had a heart behind them and whispered the words, "I'm here." while trying not to melt in his stern gaze. A smirk flushed his face, without a word he ignites the engine and we peel out of the parking lot. Not far up the road, the phone began to ring out loud, Dally reached and shoved it against his ear, "Who's this?" he listens to the person on the other end before ending the call with a short, "See you then."  he hangs up, tossing the brick into the backseat. That action alone, nearly gave me post traumatic stress from the blood gun. In all the instability of the last couple of days, I somehow managed to forget that exact event that caused us to go on the run. I wasn't about to bring the whole ordeal up again, but I could feel my chest intensify in pain even more. I take a couple of deep breathes in, attempting to calm the hell down and put my eyes back on the road ahead of us. 

Dally stops outside an old house in the middle of a rather vacant street, all around were new building being put up, replacing the old ones which remained empty lots after being knocked down. This one was red bricked, and caught my eye straight away, "Damn Johnny." he shook his head, marvelling at the home, "That kid finally got something for his own." I could tell he was proud of whoever this Johnny was, by the way he stared and tone in his voice radiating a sense of hope that one day he would have something the same. I follow him up the front door, stepping over the children's toys scattered along the walk path and lawn.  

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