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April 13th, 1994

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April 13th, 1994. 6:34 P.M.

The thin bed sheets laid upon our naked bodies, outlining every crevice to conclude the intimacy that should've happened in this very room, yet without warning I called it off at the very last second. I could tell he was disappointed and frustrated with the games I was unknowingly playing, but the truth was that I wasn't ready for him. I didn't know if I ever would be. Dallas rolled onto the mattress besides me, panting from the breathless kisses and not from anything else, "I'm sorry." I mumbled, feeling terribly bad. He throws an arm over my chest, and pulls himself closer to me, "You're too good for me." he nestles his face in the warmth of my neck. I would've cried right then if he wasn't there, I'd never seen him act this way before, so well relaxed and affectionate. I held him like that, twirling his hair around my fingers and feeling the stillness of him for once. 

April 13th, 1994. 8:29 P.M.

My hands wrinkles under the soapy water as I scrubbed at the plates and dishes. I might be a criminal but I've always had manners and respect for other people's homes, that's one thing that won't change. Morgan and I cleaned the kitchen while the boys were in the garage catching up. Her eyes had been inspecting the ring under the light for the last couple of minutes, "I can't believe he brought this for you." she gasped in utter shock, "It's stunning." I blushed at her remarks, smiling to myself and thinking about how good he is to me, "He has good taste doesn't he?" I was truly gushing inside. 

"Absolutely, Johnny has terrible taste but we will keep that a secret." Morgan spilled, titling her head to me, "Why haven't you married this man?" she wondered like I should've done it long ago. "Well for starters, I'm seventeen years old and on the run from the federal police." I admitted. That comment didn't even worry her, I began to wonder what kind of person she was.  "Oh, don't worry about that. I have a sister out North, she does underage marriages." 

"You're a genius. I'll have to ask Dallas about that." I said, starting to get excited with the idea of being Mrs. Winston. I never thought about marriage in this way, I always believed I wouldn't have the chance. I wanted to experience everything all in one foul swoop. This might be the only time I have left to take the plunge. 

April 13th, 1994. 8:29 P.M.

In the garage, Johnny shows Dallas his collection of switch blades that Morgan won't let him have in the house, "You know, I never thought I'd see you, Dallas Winston... Mr. One Night Stand... finally settle down." He shrugged weakly wanting to get off the subject, "Not yet. Let's just say we haven't exactly consummated the relationship."

"What?" Johnny doubted, knowing that was so unlike him. "I have blue balls." He clutches onto his groin then brushes a hand through his hair with strain, "She isn't ready?" Johnny wondered, probably thinking about why he sticks around with Bianca if she isn't putting out. Dally's long list of ex lovers were out of range in difference, Bianca isn't as bad, yet she accompanied serious crimes at no gain of her own. Dallas tries to lighten the mood,  "She doesn't take to sweet moves like the other girls, that's for sure." he playful punches Johnny with a smirk. 

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