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April 13th, 1994

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April 13th, 1994. 2:07 P.M.

The door opens wide to a man, who Dallas recognises immediately, before I could register his appearance, Dallas is in his arms. Roughly patting each other's backs, like they needed to get words out but couldn't. As they pull back, I note his height is a bit taller than mine, he has a childlike face, yet stubble covers his jawline, "Old Dal, it's been a hot minute." He beamed before moving his gaze to mine. I smiled weakly at him, not knowing what to think, "I'm awfully grateful for you opening your home to us." I said lowly, in sure gratitude, "Man, Johnny we really are." Dallas added, pulling me closer to him.

"This home is always open to you guys." He declared, as a little girl emerged from within and began tugging at Johnny's trousers, attempting to grab his attention. He kneels down to the girl, and scolds her for interrupting, "Honey, remember you have to wait when adults are speaking." He said before lifting her from the ground and into his arms. 

A woman appeared from behind him, tangling her arms on each side of his neck. I first saw her thin wrist, dangling a loose bracelet on it, then her head sticks out and rest upon his shoulder, "It's so charming to meet you." She speaks in a low, softening voice, "Isn't it, Carmen?" She asked the little girl, before stepping out from the shadows, "You must be Bianca, I'm Morgan Cade." She held a handout for me to shake. I did, her skin as velvet as her voice was.

"In. In!" she shrills with excitement, "We cannot spend the day, pondering at the front entrance." I follow closely behind her lengthy strides, while Johnny and Dallas catch up. Morgan moves swiftly throughout the house, showing me around every inch of the mostly white interior. I wondered how they could keep up with the cleaning and kids, "Your home is stunning." I gushed, marvelling at the furniture. "Thank you, darling." She wiped the bench top with her hand, before placing it onto her hip, "Now where are those men gone?" she walked back down the hall, leaving a trail of clicking heels echoing through the house.

All three return soon after, I could tell that Morgan wore the pants in the house, I guess that's how it has to be sometimes. Johnny seemed happy enough this way, I knew Dallas would never take too such thing, "Righto." Johnny rubbed his hands together, "Let us show you the room, and you can both get settled in." he leads us down another long corridor. This house was huge compared to the likes of our home town. They point us to the door, we drop the bags to our feet when inside and close the door. 

Straight away, I plummet onto the mattress, embracing it the best I could manage. I almost cried at the feeling of it, but remembered the one thing I longed for the most. A nice, warm, steamy shower to cleanse myself from all the stress and dirt built up on my body, "It's mine!" I claimed first, "I'm showering first!" 


A/N: Sorry about the shitty writing lately, I've been very sick and busy. I am going to spend the next couple of days to fix any spelling and grammar errors then get straight back into it. I hope you're all having a great day! 

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