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April 12th, 1994

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April 12th, 1994. 8:03 P.M.

The car wheels swerved between the heavy traffic, screeching other vehicles to a halt and causing people to abruptly veer to the sides. Thick traces of the man still splattered upon our faces, drying as every second passed and sinking deeper into our skin. The backseat deeply stained with the gun thrown on it, I was still in a complete state of shock, hot tears rested beneath my eyelids, if I only knew how to feel at this moment they would just fall like every drop of rain. 

My vision was bleak with tears, I could barely see Dally's face, but knew he was paler than I've ever seen a person before, white as a ghost like all the blood simply drained from him. He unexpectedly steers to the side of the road and leaps out with the car engine still running. The door was still wide open as he raced around the back, the glimmer from the street light hit the gun just as he passed and upon seeing the dark red splurged all over he collapsed against the door. 

I lean over the drivers seat to shut the door and take the keys out of ignition. I tried my hardest not to look into that dreaded back, but found myself taking a glimpse and began to wonder if that man was mentally ill or if he had a family. I snapped back to reality when Dallas started to grumble outside, I was just out of earshot and couldn't understand a word. A sudden shake of the car, along with pounding started. 

He bangs his fist on the top, then resorts to kicking the door in. I jumped out, and reluctantly when around to his side. He held his body straight, finally calmed down then began to puke his guts out all over the ground with one had clutched to his stomach, he continued to spew out a sick bile. Watch him break down only made me want to ball, I've never seen him like this in my entire life... not until now. 

He swiftly kicked yellow dust into the air, then slid his back against the car and onto the gravel. I moved out, warily running a hand over the dint's he had left, before sitting down with him. I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them. We both watch the speeding cars pass the main highway, and turn onto this stretch of road, over and over again. I wondered if they knew what we did... or if they were calling the police to get us.

"Dallas." I said low. He doesn't answer, I continue to try, "Where are we going?" I added, he's still not looking in my direction. He rubs his hands from the cold air, then blows into them, "I don't know... somewhere...I don't know..." he sounded unsure, even his body was shaking from the stress, for the first time he was clueless. He stretches his long legs out, then pushes himself up again and walks around to the passenger side, "You drive..." he trails, his thoughts are floating around. I don't fight it or ask why, I do what I'm told like usual and climb into the driver seat. It's been a while since I last drove, I have my license and all but never had a car. Dally looks forward in black expression, he doesn't speak a word.

A/N:Tell me what I can do to improve this book! Give me feedback!

Also I have a new Dallas and the outsiders book started on my wattpad, check it out! It's called Dirt.

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