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April 20th, 1994

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April 20th, 1994. 6:22 P.M.

All that was left of the meal was two plates on the dining table in front of us, I wrapped my lips around the straw of my drink, "Damn that's good." I said, going in for a second round. I slide it over to Dallas, he takes a long slurp and nearly half of it is gone by the time he's finished. I sometimes forget that he is a growing man. I take a look around the place, people are dancing over near the stage and others are eating. Dallas stands from the table, "Bathroom." he says, shifting the belt on his denim jeans. I gushed as he left to the men's room, I couldn't believe how close we were a week ago. 

Dallas kicks the door on the bathroom, it swings open and he enters. After he's done emptying his bladder and washing his hands. He digs around his pocket for the key, and places it in his palm to aimlessly stare at it, "It's a room key." Dallas almost jumps at the voice. It was the man who slid it to him, he was at a loss for words, so the man just spoke, "I'm a very wealthy man." he says, fixing his tie in the mirror, "I can make it worth your while." he smirked. Dallas slaps the key onto the basin of the sink, "Take it back, I'm not doing anything." 

The wealthy man rubs his mouth, with a swift voice he says, "What about this?" Dallas stops in place, he has his back turned but can tell what it is. He turns around to see a small baggy of something white dangling between the man's fingers, the man moves to pass Dallas, then stops, places the illegals and key into his shirt pocket, "There is more than that." he winks, leaving Dallas all alone in the dark bathroom. As soon as he leaves, Dallas tips all the contents and does a big line of coke of the bathroom sink, jerking his head up from the rush, "God." he moaned. He fixed himself up after that, and returned to the table. 

A woman stands on the stage, and leans into the microphone, "Ladies and gentleman, now is the moment you've all be waiting for, our annual talent show contest!" she exclaimed with excitement, everyone cheers as she holds the trophy high above her head, "Anyone can enter. One lucky act will win this trophy and a award of a thousand dollars in cash." she added. That struck an idea in my head, we needed money that we lost. This was the perfect opportunity. "Who will be our very first contestants here tonight?" she scanned the crowd of people, all eager to give it ago but nobody wanted to go first. I throw my hand up, high and waved it around. Dallas almost floored it, and would've pounced across the table if people weren't watching. 

It was too late, and she caught me, "You! over there! come up here!" she encourages, the crowd goes wild with excitement again. Dallas and I walked across the dance floor and onto the stage. "Alright, let's hear it for our first contestants. Young man, what is your name?" she asked Dallas, who leans into the microphone, "David." he lied. It took me a moment to realise why he did it, "Naomi." I said afterwards. The woman goes over the rules and prizes again, buying us some time to think about what we would be performing. Dallas picked up a guitar from the holder, "I cannot sing." he declared, "And I won't be learning tonight."

I racked my brain for a song idea, "I'll sing, it'll be fun." I assured him, rubbing on his jacket sleeve. After she is finished her announcement, we stepped forward and I lowered the microphone to my mouth. Now I had less than a split second to make my mind up, which I finally did, I settled on one and whispered it to Dallas. I nod as he starts to play the first rift of the song, I glance up at the stage lights hanging above and allowed them to gleam against my eyes. My peachy lips graze the microphone as the first words escaped from my mouth.


The next chapter will contain a subject with a bit of graphic writing, and will trigger certain people. I actually cried when I wrote the plan for it, but it is needed for my story idea. I will also add a warning to the top of next chapter, so please, be aware of this. If you don't want to read it, but want me to give you a short summary (without the graphic scene) please message me. Thank you!

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