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April 13th, 1994

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April 13th, 1994. 4:00 P.M.

The water smothered my head, trickling down the length of my body with pleasurable warmth. This was one of the best feeling on earth, and the most relieving moments of my life. I watched as the water below turned from dark and dirt to clear, then spiralled down the drain like a whirl pool. I lather a large amount of shampoo in my hair, allowing it to cover my shoulders, then did the same with conditioner before exiting the shower. I wrapped the lengthy towel around my dripping body, that's when I realised I had to actually go outside the bathroom to get some clean clothes. Dallas was out there waiting for me, I could tell. 

I hoped he was more eager for his turn then me. When I leave the bathroom he's laying on the bed, he looks up to me then gives a short smirk before lifting himself from the mattress, "Promise me, we'll never go that long without showering again." I chuckled, "Never again." he replied with a towel is hand, he steps into the bathroom before turning back, "You'd better ring your family." he added. I nod slowly as he shut the door. I go over to the folded pile of clothing on the dresser and put some on then hit on the edge of the bed. 

I had to calm myself before dialling any numbers. I didn't have a clue what the outcome would be, and if I had it my own way I would've rang them at all. I find myself waiting for the person on the other end to answer, half listening for the shower to turn off at any moment. I expected the line to ring and go straight to the answering box or even to be disconnected completely, "Hello?" the voice over the other end answers. I freeze completely, wanting to say something but the words wouldn't come and my tongue tied into a knot, "Hhh." I started, the other person waited for my long pause but before I get it out they chime in, "Bianca? Is that you?"  their voice boasted with excitement. "Paul." I cried out, without any tears forming, "I'm so sorry for everything."  I almost choked on the dryness and I told him everything that I knew. He told me to keep him updated, which I planned to do. 

I hung up just as Dallas emerged from the bathroom rubbing the water from his hair with a towel. A deep heat rose from my cheeks and I couldn't look away from his naked body. Although I had seen it many times in the past, that was all before the tangled kiss on the lawn and the big shining ring he proposed. There would come a time when I would have to make love to him, but he feels like a brother still, "What did they say?" he asked, dabbing cologne under his arms and onto his neck. I glance away, all flustered and hot, "Steve wanted us to come home, he ended up marrying Amy." I spoke low, a bit devastated about it. He runs a comb through his hair, and throws some pants on. I could tell by the way he was staring that he had something to say, "So, tell me." Dallas stands between my legs, "How did Steve do it?" he asked, softly moving the hair from my face. 

My eyes fall shut at his touch, I trembled at his hand on my cheek. That's when his lips brushed against my own, "Like this." he plants a tender kiss, "or..." his body covered mine on the mattress and our mouths never parted. It was all happening so fast... and I couldn't contain myself, his hand eager to remove the clothing again...

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