Chapter 13

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After Jack and his mom had taken Clarke out to eat at The Gash they pulled up in front of her house. The last thing she wanted to do was go inside there to be interrogated again by her parents. Jack could see the hesitation as her hand reached for the handle. He grabbed her shoulder and whispered a quick hold on before getting out of the car and opening it for her. She wasn't sure what to do at first, but he took her hand and dragged her out.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm walking you to your door." Jack didn't feel it was safe for her to walk to her house alone especially because of the night before.

"Hey mom you can go ahead home, I'll just walk."

"Are you sure?" He nodded and watched his mom pull away.

He knew she didn't like him walking home, but his mom and him had had a heart to heart when Clarke went to the bathroom earlier in the diner. He told her how he wanted to look out for her and so he was going to stay at her house for a bit after they were dropped off. His mom asked him why he was so concerned about this girl, but when he told her that there was something about Clarke that reminded him of Amy, she finally got it. She was strong-willed, sarcastic, and too tough for her own good. He missed Amy a lot, but there was nothing that could be done about that now. All he could do was protect Clarke the best he could. When they got to Clarke's door, she paused and sat down on the steps.

"I really don't want to go back in there. They are just gonna look at me like a criminal."

"I would offer you to come back to my house, but I think my mom drew the line at police."

"I don't blame her. I wouldn't want those jackasses in my house either." They sat there in silence for a moment. Jack didn't know how to comfort her.

"Can I come inside?" Clarke almost didn't hear it, but she nodded and got up to open the door. Her parents began saying things, but she wasn't paying attention as she took Jack's hand and led him up the stairs to her room. It was pretty much the same as Jack remembered it, but her bed was unmade and there was a pair of pajamas on the floor.

"Sorry, I hadn't been expecting anyone over and I haven't been here since last night." She hurried to pick everything up as her cheeks turned a little pink, but Jack just took her hand to stop her.

"It's okay I don't care." She threw them on her desk chair and plopped her back on the bed. Jack just stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do. Should he get on her bed?

"You can sit down." He murmured a quick okay and sat down next to her and looked up at the ceiling.

Clarke had grabbed her remote for music earlier and pressed the play button. The song Closer by Tegan and Sara came on and they both started humming. When Clarke dropped the remote and plopped her hand back down on the bed it touched Jacks ever so slightly. Neither of them moved, but they both knew it was there. Jack moved his hand just a little closer to hers and let the music drum out the hitch in Clarke's breath.

'All I want is to get a little bit closer. All I want to know is, can you come a little closer?'

Clarke moved her hand closer to his and intertwined their pinkies. Both had stopped humming the song and were completely concentrated on each other. Jack didn't know what he was doing. He moved the rest of the way until their hands were interlocked just as the song ended. The silence only lasted for a couple of seconds as the next song loaded, but it only made the tension stronger. They hadn't even noticed the door had opened, and that Caroline was in the doorway. When she finally spoke, they practically jumped away from each other like they were on fire.

"Mom and dad want to talk to you."

"Tell them to shove it, I'm busy."

"Yeah with your boyfriend, like that will make them any less pissed," Caroline scoffed before leaving.

"Dammit she didn't close the door." The spell had been broken and the air was a bit awkward. Neither of them knew what had just happened between them.

"Do you want to maybe finish our project?"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that." Clarke went to get her laptop and handed it to him before sitting back on the bed. Jack worked on it for a bit, but then he got tired of typing and handed it to Clarke. After a while he began to doze off until he was completely out. Clarke hadn't noticed until she had finished the project and looked over to tell him. He seemed so peaceful as he slept and so she shook him and told him to move up onto the pillow. He sleepily nodded, and she lifted the blankets for him to crawl under. She was starting to feel a little tired herself, considering she'd been at the police station all day. She decided a little sleep couldn't hurt as she laid down next to him. Her mind was running rampant about what had happened earlier. If her sister had not come in, she wondered what would have happened with Jack. She could feel his body heat next to her and it made it so hard to fall asleep because her nerves were on hyper drive. She knew Jack hadn't slept much the night before and definitely not this morning, but what bothered her the most was that she didn't understand why Jack was hanging around with her in the first place.

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