Chapter 8

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We had landed in Paris and we was making our way to ere the Paris peace accords would be held. Tommy and Amelia being invisible with each other and Charles holding my hand while we was quickly walking as time was running out and fast after we had parked the car in the parking lot. And we were running up the stairs and to the private meeting room quickly and tommy grabbing my hand ever so slightly every so often to let me know that they will still there but then Amelia feel over, letting go of Tommy's hand in the process and hitting the stairs with a big oof and then I turned to the rest of them

"Go we will catch up with you" I said and they nodded and carried on while I picked up Amelia snd checked her for any proper injuries and then tommy grabbed her hand again and then we started to speed walk again to catch up to the rest without being caught and then I caught up as the rest just walked into the room while Charles called out

"Raven" I turned to corner and looked at her and gasped at her. She had grown up so much but a male stood up and then shocked her with something and I ran forward and then kicked him in the gut and then I wrapped my legs around his neck and then restricted his breathing until he was unconscious and tommy and Amelia became visible again

"Mommy that was so cool" Amelia commented and I smiled lightly at them and then Charles went to raven

"Charles?" She questioned snd looked at him and then at tommy and Amelia

"We have come for you, Erik, Lydia and I, together" He said and raven looked at me and smiled brightly

"Lyds" she whispered and I smiled at her

"Hi raven" I said and I leaned in and hugged her lightly and she looked so happy

"I'm going to keep you out of their hands" Charles said to her and she looked happy and I smiled at her and she touched my face lightly

"You've grown, some look good but your eyes look broken" she observed to me and I looked at her snd tears sprung to my eyes

"A lot of things happened raven, I missed you" I said and a tear fell while Charles looked at me but then our moment was cut off short when the gun was suddenly in Erik's hand and pointing at raven

"Erik" I warned and he just looked at raven

"Erik? What are you doing?" Charles asked him and held out his hand to him and Erik looked at me and raven with an evil glint in his eye

"Securing our future he said and pointed it at me as well as raven

"What has this got to do with Lydia?" Charles asked him

"She's ravens best friend, they share the same views and she would do the same. Even with her no killing policy" he spat at me and my face said everything. I was heartbroken that Erik actually thought about me like that and that I would kill someone in front of my kids. Tommy went to walk forward but I looked at them and looked down and muttered

"I'm sorry" I apologised and then vines grabbed them and held them against the wall so they couldn't get hurt and Erik, Charles and ravens eyes were on me

"Forgive me ivy, mystique but as long as you two are out there our future isn't safe" Erik explained and I looked at him

"Erik" hank warned and stepped towards him

"Charles stop him use your powers" raven said and then Charles just looked at Erik

"He can't" Erik said for him and I looked at raven and we both nodded and ran for the window so that we wouldn't get killed and Erik shot two rounds of bullets as me and raven jumped out the window but one went into ravens legs and one went into my shoulder and we both layers on the ground in pain and I groaned

"Raven we need to go" I said and she nodded and we both stood up and she turned into one of the females and she started to limp and I started to quickly walk but Erik floated down and then put his hand out and me and raven screamed and took both the bullets out

"Erik" I screamed and he looked at me

"Stop please this isn't you" I said and he just looked at me

"I'm sorry" he apologised and I shook me head while raven looked at him

"She's got two children Erik just let her go" raven begged and he just looked at me and said nothing and then handed attacked him and started to fight with him while I got up and grabbed raven and started to walk us away from the scene and she changed into a old man so the limp was more realistic and I looked at her and I nodded and we walked into a little alley and she turned to human raven

"Raven I'm so sorry. This wasn't meant to happen" I said and she looked at me and smiled

"I know it wasn't but you still defended me and looked after me. Go back to Charles, he'll be worried sick where you are" she said while laughing but I still looked sad and serious and she looked at me and her smile dropped

"What happened?" She asked and I looked up at her

"He doesn't care anymore and I don't know how much longer I can go on with him being like he is. He says he's lost everything like I'm not everything to him even though I'm his wife and the mother of his two children" I explained and she looked at me and smiled sadly

"He will come around, it's Charles. What needs to happen is that you need to frighten him and then he will realise how much he could loose if he lost you" she said and I nodded and she placed her forehead on mine and I laughed

"Like we were 10 years younger again" I said while laughing and she chuckled and looked at the hospital a little under a block away and I looked at her

"Go. I'll say I lost you so you don't get a lecture. I need to go get the kids anyway" I said and she looked at me

"Thank you" she said and I nodded

"Bye rave" I said as I walked out the alley

"Bye lyds be safe" she warned me and I looked at her, my eyes shining green

"You too but when am I never?" I asked her and she laughed and I walked away and gripped my shoulder and hissed every so often and I ran back to where the fountain was and saw hank stuck in the metal display thing and Erik walking away. When he was completely out of site I used my powers to take the metal off him and I looked at him and he looked at me relieved

"Where is she?" He asked snd I shrugged my shoulders, hissing as I did and seeing a few black spots but I shook my head and they were gone

"I don't know. I lost her but she's safe, she's raven you know" I said and he nodded and hugged me lightly and kissed my head

"Are you okay?" He asked snd I looked at him

"Apart from getting shot by someone I thought was a friend, yea I'm good" I said and he looked at me and I saw Charles, Logan, Tommy and Amelia leave the place and I smiled and sighed in relief

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