Chapter 3

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"That's going to be a little tricky because the person who sent me was you two yourselves" he explained and I looked at him confused and so did Charles

"What?" We both said at the same time

"About 50 years from now" he said seriously

"50 years from now? Like in the future 50 years from now?" Charles asked him and I looked at it

"Wait what? 50 years from now?" I asked, confused as hell

"Yep" the man said to both of us

"I sent you from the future?" Charles asked and looked at hank, who was till holding the kids, and hank shook his head while I still looked at the males and tommy got down from hank and came to sit in front of me where I Held his hand lightly whereas Amelia stayed on hanks shoulders

"Piss off" Charles said not believing him

"Charles" I scolded him again for swearing and he looked at me then kiss3d my cheek then turned back to the man

"If you had you powers, you'd know I was telling the truth" he said and I looked at him wide eyed and so did Charles

"How do you know that daddy hasn't got his powers anymore?" Amelia asked from hanks shoulders and he slowly let her down and she stood on the table and looked at the man square in the eye, trying to be intimidating towards him and the man did look a little scared

"How do you know that I don't have my powers?" Charles repeated what Amelia had said to the man

" Who are you?" I asked him as Charles looked at hank and looked at the man while I just looked at the man and Amelia and tommy both looked at me and Charles, not used to us being this nervous around someone

"I told you" the man said

"Are you CIA?" Charles asked and I looked at him and Amelia stepped backwards and would have fell off the table if the man hadn't caught her gently and then placed her on the floor

"Thank you" Amelia said to him and  he nodded at her and she came over to me and tommy where tommy hugged her protectively

"Nope in not CIA" the male said

"Have you been watching me?" Charles asked and I shook my head

"No he hasn't" I said as I walked towards him and looked at him closely

"I know you Charles, and you Lydia. We've been friends for years, Charles, I know your powers came when you were 9 and I know you thought you were going crazy when all the voices in your head and it wasn't until you were 12 that you realised that all the voices were in everybody else's head. Lydia, you and your brother discovered your powers when you were 5 and you were in the woods one day behind your house, you saved you and your brother from a killer that had been watching your family for some time but when you were 15 your parents found out and they sent you away where you met hank at a CIA internship as two new scientist and then you got the jobs together, you then later figured out that your parents had told the whole town that you had dies in an unfortunate car accident and only they knew the truth not even your own brother knew the truth until the day at Cuba. Do you want me to go on?" He explained and I looked at him wide eyed and I looked at Charles. Nobody but Charles knew that and then Charles looked at me and I knew he was thinking the same thing

"We never told anyone but each other that" Charles said to him

"Not yet no but you will" he assured us and now I'm interested so I stood up

"Ok you've peaked our interests what do you want?" I asked

"We have to stop raven" he said and I looked at him like he was mad

"I need your help. We need your help" he said to both of us and Charles looked frozen

"I think I'd like to wake up now" Charles said and got up and grabbed my hand and walked with me to the front room where the man, who's name we learnt was Logan

"So your saying that they took ravens power and what, weaponised it?" He said to Logan as he poured himself a drink and I told the kids to go and play upstairs and they did so and I sat on the desk with my legs hanging off and I just swung them back and forth like I was a younger child again

"Yep" Logan said and I looked at him then back at my boots

"Well she is unique" hank piped up and I looked at him sadly and then nodded agreeing with him

"Yes she is hank" Charles agreed with him and walked round the desk to somewhere

"I'm the beginning, the sectionals were just targeting mutants, then they began to identify the genetics in non mutants, who would eventually have mutant children, grandchildren" he said and looked at me and Amelia snd I smiled sadly

"Many of the humans tried to help us, it was a slaughter" Logan said and I looked at him sadly as Charles just sat on a couch and drunk his whiskey

"Leaving only the worst of humanity in charge" he said and I sighed and slid off the desk and lent on the wall facing Charles and he just looked at me

"I've been in a lot of wars, I've never seen anything like this" Logan admitted and I felt a tear rolling down my cheek thinking about it, of what could happen to Amelia and tommy in the future

"And it all starts with her" he said

"Now let's just say for the sake of, the sake that I choose to believe you, that I choose to help you, raven won't listen to me, no her heart and her should belong to another now" Charles said referring to Erik

"But apart of that heart and soul belongs to her" he said pointing to men and all eyes were on me

"She'll listen to you cause you're her best friend and would choose what is best for her and would consider her feelings in the mix as well" he said to me and my eyes were still red from crying but I looked at him and said nothing

"But its why we are going to need magneto too" Logan said while standing up and I looked at him like he had gone insane and so did hank while Charles started laughing at him

"Erik?" Hank confirmed with Logan and he nodded

"You do know where he is?" I asked Logan and he nodded his head while Charles was still laughing

"He's where he belongs" Charles said and I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the whisky bottle and passed it to a vine outside to hide it and then I walked over to him him and I grabbed his drink from his hand before he could protest and went to the kitchen and poured it down the sink before he could do anything and he looked at me like I had killed his live one in front of him

"Now listen to him" I said to Charles sternly and pointed at Logan and put the glass away in the cabinet and turned to the boys, Logan and hank having an amused look on their face but it soon dropped when I glared at them and Charles went to go walk upstairs

"Is that it, you're just going to walk out?" Logan asked Charles and Charles looked at him

"Oh yes, top marks like I said you are perceptive" he said and began to walk up the stairs

"The professor I know wouldn't turn his back on someone who had lost their path, especially someone he loved" Logan said to him and that made him stop in his tracks and walk backwards towards us

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