Suddenly, arms and bodies made their way out of the soil in the narrow graveyard. The dead beings hauled themselves out of the sand, dragging their feet against the dusty floor.
“Z-Zombies!! Run!” Jinx gasped in surprise. The group of four friends sprinted to the old city to hide. They ran into Jinx’s apartment, locked the door and stationed heavy pieces of furniture against it, like they would in the movies. Iris had her back against the wall and was trying to catch her breath.
“We almost died out there!” Jinx panted. “It’s all your fault Varis, now we’re stuck here because of you.”
“My fault?! You’re saying that simply going outside to visit someone and then zombies coming outta graves is my fault?!” Varis roared back.
“Cut it out you two,” Iris demanded, sick of their constant arguing.
Toby peered outside the window, “Lookie here!”
They crowded around the glass and saw the townspeople running for their lives. The gruesome sight of zombies eating innocent humans was buried deep into their heads.
“Should we help them?” Toby began.