Chapter 19

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"Now, are you sure that getting a tombstone for your grave won't affect you?" Adam asks as he slips his wallet into his back pocket.

"Positive." Tim answers as he props pillows up behind him and gets comfortable in the bed with a book. "I'll still be just as dead." He adds with a smile as he slips on his glasses.

"You know what I mean." Adam smiles as he looks strangely at his lover. "You know what I find strange?"

"You mean, besides talking to a dead guy?" Tim chuckles.

"Yeah, besides that." Adam laughs as he smacks the brunette's arm. 

"What do you find strange?" Tim asks as he opens the book.

"The fact that the dead guy I'm talking to has to use glasses to read." Adam laughs as he leans down and gives his lover a quick kiss before leaving the bedroom. "Got some errands to run. Love you!" He calls out from the hallway.

"Love you too." Tim calls out.

"Love you." Austin calls out in a mocking way.

"Oh, bite me, Austin." Adam laughs. "Y'all behave."

Adam had been gone for about forty-five minutes. Tim was so engulfed into the book 'Lord Of The Flies' that he had started reading. Austin had gone quiet so Tim guessed he was either doing something he shouldn't be doing or he was in his room listening to music from those weird ear covers.

A sudden sound caught Tim's attention. The sound of breaking glass. Tim slowly removes his glasses, laying them aside on the nightstand.

"What has he done now?" Tim asks as he marks his place in the book and lays it next to his glasses.

Getting out of bed, he heads out of the bedroom into the hallway.

"He better not have broken anything of value." He says as he opens Austin's bedroom door. "Hey, what the hell did you break this time?"

Austin had his headphones on listening to music as he thumbs through a magazine.

Tim rolls his eyes as he walks over and snatches the headphones from Austin's head.

"Hey. What are you doing?" Austin asks looking up at the older spirit.

"What did you just break?" Tim asks, glaring down at the greenhorn.

"I didn't break anything." Austin answers.

"I just heard glass breaking." Tim replies.

"Well, it wasn't...." Austin was interrupted by the cowboy.

"Shhhh." Tim says holding up his hand and turning his head toward the door. "I hear voices."

"Maybe it's Adam and his friends." Austin says.

"No, I don't think so." Tim says as he turns and heads for the stairs.

Austin throws the magazine aside and hops out of bed to follow. He joins Tim at the stair landing, looking down at the first floor.

"Look! That window is broken." Austin points down to the living room window. "That's what you heard."

"Shhh." Tim quietens the kid.

"Whoever it is can't hear us." Austin says with a snicker.

"Oh, yeah." Tim chuckles as he slowly starts down the stairs. "Let's go check it out."

"Look at this, Joe, we've hit the mother load. Just look at all these antiques." One of the men says.

"Yep, today is our lucky day, Todd." Joe laughs. "But we need to hurry. We don't know how long this dude will be gone."

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