Chapter 20

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"What? Burglars? Sherrif? What are y'all talking about?" Adam asks as he glares down at the two spirits. "And what in the hell happened to my house?"

"Are you deaf?" Austin asks, giving the blonde a confused look.

"Sweetheart...." Tim sighs as he gets up from the floor. "Listen closely. Two men broke into MY house. They were loading up all my valuables into bags. Austin and I had to stop them somehow. I don't know how to use that thing you call a phone."

"So we scared the sh*t out of them." Austin adds with a chuckle from his seat on the floor. "It was fun too."

"They ran down to the basement thinking there was a way to get out. But there's not. I locked them in the basement." Tim explains. "So you need to call the marshall."

"First of all, they are called cops." Adam smirks. "Second, we need to put the furniture back where it was before we call them. Burglars don't normally stack books into pyramids."

"I'll stay here and guard the door." Austin says as Adam turns and heads back to the living room.

"Like hell you will." Tim says grabbing the younger spirit by the arm and pulling him to his feet. "I didn't make this mess by myself."

They begin to move the furniture back. Austin suggested re-arranging the living room while they were at it but Tim was not hearing of it. He wanted it back exactly the way it was.

"There. Does that suit you?" An annoyed Austin asks as he sits the highback chair back into the corner.

Tim steps back to observe the living room for a minute before walking over to the chair and moving it over about an inch.

"Oh, good heavens." Austin says, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "See what I've had to put up with?" He asks turning to Adam as he points at the cowboy.

"Well, after all, it is ...." Tim says with a slight shrug before Adam and Austin interrupts him.

"Your house." They reply.

"Okay, I'm going to call the cops. You guys keep quiet." Adam says as he pulls out his cell phone from his pocket.

"We'll go check on our prisoners." Tim says before he and Austin start back down the hall.

"Tim!!" Adam calls out right before the dispatcher answers the phone. "Uh, yes, I'd like to report a break-in." 

As the two spirits walk up to the basement door, they heard banging on the other side. The burglars were trying to break through the door.

"Can they get out?" Austin asks in a worried tone.

"The only way to get through that door is by an ax. It's solid." Tim answers with a smile. "Let's have some more fun."

"Lead the way." Austin chuckles.

The two spirits step through the locked door and walk past the two men. Tim made sure to walk heavy in his cowboy boots.

"What the hell was that?" Todd asks as they turn to look at the steps.

"Those were f*cking footsteps and they were going down the stairs." Joe says.

"Hey, cowboy? Watch this." Austin laughs as he walks over to a broom that was leaning in the corner of the room. He pushes the broom over onto the floor.

"DID YOU SEE THAT!!??" Todd yells.

"That's nothing, greenhorn. Let's up the ante." Tim says as he walks over and picks up the broom. (Up the ante, for those to might not know, means Raising the stakes in a game of poker)

"LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!" Joe shouts, pointing to the broom now floating in the air. "HOLY SH*T!!!"

"This is fun." Austin giggles as he sits down in an old rocker and begins to rock.

Both burglars gasps and point to the moving rocker. They then point to the broom that was now sweeping the floor all by its self.

"Wanna see them sh*t their pants?" Tim chuckles.

"Go for it." Austin laughs.

The burglars press the backs against the basement door as they hear the heavy footsteps slowly walking up the stairs toward them.

"AHHHHH!!" Both men scream as they hear a loud hiss just inches from their faces.

The basement door suddenly opens and both men tumble to the floor of the hallway. They look up to see four police officers with their guns drawn and a long-haired blonde guy, presumably the owner of the house.

Adam could hear Austin's laughter coming from inside the basement. He looks up at the doorway to see his lover grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Get us the hell out of here!" One of the burglars says as he rolls over on his stomach while putting his hands behind his back to be handcuffed. "The loot is in the basement!"

"The broom! The rocker! The growl!" The other burglar stammers. "Haunted! Save us!"

"Sounds like these guys have been smoking something." One officer chuckles as he places the cuffs on the burglars.

"Thank you, Mr. Rupp. We've been trying to catch these guys for some time now." Another officer says as he shakes Adam's hand.

"Glad we could help." Tim says with a smirk as he drapes his arm over Austin's shoulder. Luckily, Adam was the only one that could hear him.

"They didn't get too far this time." The third officer says as he exits the basement with too large bags full of valuable antiques taken from the house.

Tim wasn't quite finished with the two men that tried to rob HIS house. He leans over next to one of the burglars so that no one else would hear him.

"Get out of my house." He growls in the man's ear.

"AHHH!! DEMONS!! GHOST!! HAUNTED!!" The man screams.

"Maybe the guys in the white jackets should have come after these two." An officer says, shaking his head as they lead the prisoners to the squad cars.


Adam closes the door and turns to see the innocent looking spirits standing behind him.

"No thank yous are necessary. Just doing our jobs." Austin smirks before turning and heading back to his room.

"So. How was your day?" Tim asks as he meets Adam's stare.

"Before I tell you about my day, why don't you tell me about yours." Adam says, crossing his arms.

"Well, started out kinda boring but turned out to be a very good day." Tim replies with a smile.

"I guess I do owe you guys a thank you." Adam says as a smile forms on his lips.

"YOU'RE WELCOME!" Austin yells from his room.

"No need for that." Tim shakes his head. "Not only do we haunt the house but it's also our job to protect it."

"I guess having two spirits in the house is better than any security system." Adam chuckles as he slides his arms around the cowboy's waist. "By the way, I have a surprise for you but it will be a couple of weeks before I can let you see it."

"What is it?" Tim asks with a smile.

"I'll show you in a couple of weeks." Adam smiles as he gives his lover a sweet kiss before walking away.

"Then why the hell are you telling me now?" Tim whines as he follows behind the blonde.


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