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Lance was still hugging Keith. He didn't care. He just wanted to hug him. Weird. He never thought like this before. Well, he'd never hugged Keith before either. He was really nice to hug. Okay, weird thought right there. Lance was gonna back out of the hug but Keith hugged him tighter. So Lance continued to hug him. Now he had another thought: I want to protect him.


Shiro had bought the whole store and brought them home. He'd stopped by his room and hid them there. He was heading toward the kitchen because that bread Hunk was making was mouth-watering and Shiro really needed that bread.

Shiro walked in the dining room where they ate and headed toward the kitchen. He stopped outside the door when he heard voices. Pidge and Hunk were screaming about a wedding, purple, cake, klance, and their ship sailing. He had no idea what they were talking about. He peaked in and gasped. Pidge and Hunk had every right to be fangirling/fanboying. Shiro felt like fanboying too. 'Cause Lance and Keith were hugging. Hugging! H-u-g-g-i-n-g! Hugging! And was Lance buried in Keith's hair? Because that is just beautiful.

He did a little happy dance and most of it was yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! He gasped. Had they kissed yet??? They had better have kissed or his happy dance was for nothing. He headed off, whistling. He was gonna talk to Allura and Coran and see what they thought.


Lance let go of Keith, to Keith's non apparent agreement to that. He did not want to let go of Lance. He didn't know why. He just didn't. Lance went over to him and picked him up, to Keith's surprise. He sat down and put Keith on his freaking lap. "Hey, Hunk. Can I have some more coffee?" Lance asked Hunk, casual as if Keith sat in his lap every day.

Pidge decided to postpone her fangirling for another time. Hunk handed him a cup and decided too. But there would be a lot of screaming later so just a warning.

Lance put his face in Keith's hair and went on. He told of the dreams that repeated and what happened in them and what was said. He finished and Keith said it was the same except in the other guy's view.

At one point, Lance had started hugging Keith in a pose that just said,"We're dating!"

Pidge asked, casual,"So, did you guys kiss?" She took a sip of her coffee, as casual as can be.

Lance looked to her. "You want us to right now?"

Pidge spit out her drink. "What??"

Lance laughed. "Just kidding. Hey, Keith, did you see the look on her-?" But he was interrupted by Keith kissing him.

Keith did a peace sign. "Bam."

Pidge died. Hunk almost died.

Keith examined his nails as if he was at a nail salon. "Yeah, we actually did kiss in his room. Like twice. But that was to shut me up then to shut him up. That right now was the third time."

(Lance, you okay there, bud?)

Lance was as red as a tomato. Maybe even as red as Red himself. He squeaked out,"Hey, Kitty. Warn me next time, kay?"


Pidge choked. "Next time?????"

Lance and Keith shrugged. "Sure."

Pidge's voice sounded like weezing. "So that mean you datin' now or?"

Lance and Keith answered at the same time. "Nope."

Keith looked at his nails again. "Yeah, it was a one-time thing. No big deal."

Lance nodded.

Pidge looked at them, shocked. "You guys just had the gayest hug I have ever seen, had the gayest kiss I have ever seen, and Keith is sitting in your freaking lap, Lance!"

Lance looked at Keith and Keith looked back. They turned to her and said,"No homo."

Pidge blinked. Repeatedly. Hunk was just sitting there like they had just said they had lost 6 babies, 8 bags of gay chips, 300 gay ships never sailed, and like his mom had just died.

Lance blinked. "Was it something I said?"

"I have no idea." Keith slipped off Lance's lap. "Welp, I'm out. Thanks for the performance, guys." He said to Hunk and Pidge. They stared at him in disbelief. So, it was all fake? Well, except that Adam was dead and the dreams were true and everything else they said. So what they did was fake? The lap thing, the kiss, the hug, was it planned? Well, probably the lap thing and kiss was planned and the hug was not. But was anything actually planned?

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