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Keith left and Lance started rambling after he was sure Keith was gone. "Guys, Keith's hair is so soft and I just wanna bury myself in it everyday and keep it there. And hugging him was amazing. Like, the best thing ever. And when Keith kissed me, I wanted him to do it again. And he looks so good in my shirt and like- It has never looked cooler, more awesome and just plain better. What does this mean??? Like, Keith's hair is so amazing and-and-and I want to hug him again and never let go, kiss him and never stop, and bury myself in his hair and- did you guys know his hair smells amazing? It smells like strawberries and I love it." He stepped toward them and sat in front of them. "What do I do, guys? What does this mean?"

Pidge just stared at him. "Dude, you're just gay for Keith."

Lance sighed with relief. "Oh, thank god. I thought it was something worse."


"What? It makes sense now that I think about it. But Pidge, what do I do about it??" He was grasping for answers.

"What do you do?!" She asks, incredulous. "I thought you were the expert on this. Okay, first, you like him, right?"

"Yeah. I think I do, yeah. Why?"

"Then ask him to date you! Or do something that would make him like you, I don't know. Usually, the gays just do it themselves. Or have some help from friends. But you can do this! Just be yourself and act like you usually do. Easy-peasy."

Lance nods. "I guess I could do that. Thanks, Pidge." He waved bye as he left.

Pidge turned to Hunk and nodded. "You know the plan, Hunk. Just follow through. We've been planning this for our whole lives. Let's do this thing."


Now that he thought about it, why had Keith been in his dreams and not anyone else? Why Keith? And what was he and Keith planning to do? Keith had told them that it was Lance who had been driving. What did they need to be prepared for? Would he be prepared for it, if the time ever came?

He heard swords slashing and knew immediately it was Keith, training his way up. Lance grinned. They were gonna beat their high score today! Right now, we can worry about that later. He ran in and dropping his jacket in his place, went and fought be Keith's side. Slashing and slashing down, knowing that even if Keith didn't think of him like Lance realized he had thought of him and for who knows how long, then he would be fine by it. As long as he can still fight by Keith's side.


Grinning, Lance and Keith posed for a picture. Lance had wanted a selfie so that they could document their new high score that they had spent hours on. It was practically dinner time right now. They had just gone up to level 399. So close to 400 they could taste it.

Lance was saying,"And then Hunk said,"Mrs. McClain, I can explain." While standing in the middle of marshmallows and chocolate all over the floor!" He laughed.

Keith smiled and laughed. Lance has a nice laugh...Wait, no, nope, nope, nope. He shook his head. "I can't believe Hunk did that."

Lance shook his head. "Actually, that happened all the time. My siblings always got into it and made it explode or taste bad. Or on the walls." He said with a thoughtful expression.

Keith laughed. "Hah, I'm gonna die laughing, I swear."

"Don't die."

"I won't. Now let's go eat Hunk's awesome bread before I do die."

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