Taste test

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Keith and Lance walked into the kitchen, looking for Hunk. Lance had said he was planning on telling Hunk and Pidge about his dreams. He spotted him before Lance and pulled Lance's sleeve, a sign he had seen him. They headed toward him and smelled something that surprisingly smelled like fresh bread. Lance had also promised Hunk he would taste test for him.

Hunk walked out of the kitchen, carrying a steaming pan of something that even looked like bread. Lance and Keith thought they were dreaming. Hunk smiled at them and placed the pan down on the table next to him and took off his oven mitts. "Hey, guys." He walked over and gave them a hug. "You come to taste test?"

Lance smiled. "Yup. Of course, Hunk. I promised you I would."

"And you always keep your promises, right?" Hunk walked over to another pan of bread-looking-bread-smelling goodness and placed it on a plate. He blew on it to cool it down some more.

Lance and Hunk sounded as if they'd had this conversation before. Keith wasn't surprised.

Hunk finished blowing and cut one in half, letting some steam fill the air above it. "Wait a bit. It's a bit hot still."

Lance waved off what Hunk said, like he had heard it a thousand times. "Hunk, you tell me everytime."

Hunk raised an eyebrow. "And do you listen when I do?"

They both laughed. Hunk noticed Keith's shirt and winked at him. Keith blushed. What did Hunk think had happened? Yeah, he was wearing Lance's shirt but it's not like- Wait, he thinks they slept together or something! He blushed even more.

Lance glanced at Keith and was starting to look concerned. "Hey, Kitty, you okay? You look a little red. And I'm not making a joke about the Red Lion again."

Hunk had taken a sip of his coffee and sprayed it everywhere in shock. "Did you just call Keith Kitty or am I hearing wrong?"

Lance facepalmed. "Hunk, don't even think about it. No, no, no, and no to every question you're gonna ask."

Hunk frowned. "So, no to dating, no to slept together, no to confessing," He took a deep breath. Keith noticed a cup of coffee and took a sip. It seemed Hunk had gotten some for everyone. "No to dancing happily but no no to kissing?"

Keith choked. He coughed and coughed. Hunk immediately went over to him concerned and started patting his back. "Hey, hey, don't drink so fast. You alright?" He grabbed a half of the bread and handed it to him. "Bread?"

Keith calmed down and nodded. He took his bread and sat down on a stool, nibbling on it. He did not want to choke on bread.

Hunk turned to Lance. "So, is that a no?" He raised an eyebrow. He was still concerned about how his ship was progressing but knew that Keith was alright so he thought it alright to ask.

Lance glanced at Keith if it was alright to tell him now when Pidge wasn't here yet. Keith shook his head slightly. He wanted to wait for Pidge. Lance turned back to Hunk. "No comment. Not until Pidge gets here."

"You called?" In walked Pidge, swinging her laptop side to side, a journal in her hand. She always had her laptop or journal. Mostly both. He didn't know what she wrote in there and he didn't want to know, even if Pidge said she would tell him.

Lance turned to her and smiled. "Yes, we did. So, the gangs all here. Let's start. Kitty, would you like to start?" He turned toward Keith.

Keith finished his bread. "Sure." He gave Hunk puppy eyes, asking him if he could have more. Hunk smiled and handed a piece of bread to him. Keith looked like the happiest person in the world. Lance smiled slightly but didn't know why. Keith turned back and faced them. He started in with,"So, ever since-"

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