Dream and Stress Part 2 2/2

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(Training room)

When Keith walked in, Lance looked up. Keith looked like a hurricane passed by and had decided it was his #1 enemy. Lance stood up, dusted himself off and headed toward him. "Hey, you alright? You look like a hurricane declared you his #1 enemy."

"Thanks for the input, Lance." He rolled his eyes. "And, no. Shiro has just decided to buy all of the gay chips instead of one! This is just like the times he was rejected or was drunk. You know, one time Shiro bought all of them and then decided he would do so every week. Our house looked about to explode and rain gay chips everywhere!" He waved his arms in a wide circle. "And-"

"Okay, okay. Sorry I asked. But yeah, that's a problem. Was he rejected recently? He's not drunk, is he?"

"No, not that I know of. No."

"Maybe he got a lot on his mind or maybe he's just obsessed with gay chips. Either way, both are stressful to even think about." He took his jacket off.

Keith sighed. "You have no idea."

"He'll be fine. I've been stressed before, lots of times considering I have so many siblings. I had to take them to different things going on, like activities; I had to go shopping and dread coming home to a mess of a house. One time, they took all the clothes out and decided to make a fort but then got hungry. Food was everywhere when I got back. I had to wash everything! Then I had to clean too. It was hard getting it out of their hair! Veronica would have watched them but she had gone to somewhere, wherever she went that time. Don't remember."

"Seriously? You had to do all that? What did you do when you had freetime?" Keith said in disbelief.

"Nothing much. Most of the time, I'd be in my room, reading, texting Hunk, or listening to music when my parents got home. Before, when we were younger, my parents had a lot of jobs. Now my dad has a job and my mom stays home with us. She hasn't been happier. Usually I'd watch them if my mom had to go shopping but mostly my mom stayed and took care of us." He folded his jacket in half and laid it down on the bench behind him.

"Really? That's a lot to do." He paused. "You're like a mom and dad in one! So you had more free time then?" He followed Lance as he headed to the controls to choose which mode he wanted.

"It was a lot to do." He said as he typed in what he wanted. "Yeah, I got to hang out with Hunk more. Hunk helped out a lot too. When we were younger, he came over all the time and helped out." "He turned around and started heading to the center of the room, about ready to start. He chuckled. "I guess. I did feel like a mom and dad sometimes to be honest. It was actually really fun though."

"So which level we doing?" Keith brought his bayard, already transforming it into his sword.

"I thought we'd go with level 55 today. As a warm up." He winked at Keith. They both knew they had passed that one a long time ago. They had both came in once and started fighting together and have been every day. Well, they had fought a lot then. Not much now.

He glanced at him and smiled, ready to beat them down and hopefully maybe beat their high score of level 200. "Nice choice."

"Thanks." He called out, "Start training sequence!" And did they beat their high score! They got to level 307 and was about to start another when Lance realized it was time for his daily nap.

"Oh, guess it's time for me to leave. Sorry, Keith." He walked over and took a towel off the bench. Keith walked over and sat on the bench and Lance joined him. Lance handed him a towel and they both put them around their necks. They picked up their water bottles and basked in the refreshness it brought. "Ah, just another day of training and the relief after!"

"You are way too carefree." Keith said, shaking his head, teasing him as he always did. He took a sip of his water. He always said a remark about Lance after they were done. About how he didn't have a care in the world when they were done training.

Lance leaned back, and crossing his ankles, replied,"You are not carefree enough." He glance at him, his arms crossed under his head, as he leaned back against the smooth cool wall."You know, you need to relax a little."

"Really?" Keith sighed. "What is this relax you speak of?"

"Seriously, Keith, you need a vacation. Shiro too. The poor guy looks like he about to drop dead." He lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned down toward him. He whispered in his ear, "Shiro's eyeliner wasn't perfect today."

Keith gasped. Lance nodded. "I know, right? Shiro always has his eyeliner on fleek but today it was not on fleek."

If Shiro's eyeliner wasn't perfect, that meant something was either going to happen- Well, something was going to happen.

Lance glanced at the time and gasped. "Oh, no! I'm late for my nap! Sorry, Keith. Gotta leave ya on that for a bit." Lance shrugged on his jacket placing the towel back on the bench. Coran would clean them later.

"No problem." He knew Lance always took a nap at this time. He said,"I need it to stay beautiful!" And Keith had just laughed and said alright. Ever since, Lance takes a nap every day. At the same time.

"Thanks, Keith." He headed out but before he left, he said bye!

Keith watched him go and thought about what he said. Was Shiro really stressed or was something....? He shook his head and tried to clear those thoughts away. "Shiro was just stressed." He said to relax himself. He just hoped something really didn't happen.

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