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   Keith walked on, chugging his water as he went. He stopped at Lance's door. He wondered. What did Lance dream about? It seemed important considering he napped every day. He first started this daily nap of his after Keith became the leader of Voltron. Shiro still borrowed the Black Lion sometimes and Keith let him. It was his lion first.

He wanted to know so badly. What if, instead of napping, he did something terrible instead?! Nah, Lance wouldn't do that. But...he was really curious and if he really was napping then.....

He looked left and right, making sure no one was there. He opened Lance's door and headed in. Lance was indeed napping. He looked like he was concentrating really bad. Maybe whatever dream he was having was important.

Keith looked around and noticed a waste basket full of crushed up paper balls and some littered the floor around it. He was a little surprised. Lance would had picked them up by now but it appeared he hadn't. Weird. Usually, Lance's room was the cleanest. Don't ask how he knew that. (He wouldn't tell you anyway.)

He left his water bottle by the door and walked over toward the paper balls. He picked one up and unfolded it. On it was some writing but it appeared to have a lot of words missing:

The happening don't to . They after with Keith . But what have with . I know my have with . I tell but can't. I even know at all. They're vivid, made them. They every and . Sometimes and in . But who mostly is....

Then the paper just ended. It looked like it was ripped. Keith murmured what was written so as not to wake Lance. "The happening don't to. They after with Keith. But what have with. Know my have with. I tell but can't. I even know at all. They're vivid, made them." He was so confused. Keith? Him? He tells but can't? They're vivid, made them? He made them? Wat??? He bent down and grabbed another and flattened it out. He put it on top of the other and started to read:

Dreams and know do. appeared agreed everyone let lead. I know to that. want tell I don't . they're always so , as if . happen repeat. Coran are them. the is there ....

That one was confusing to. He wondered....Should he try it? Well, all or nothing. He placed the second onto the first and read what it said:

The dreams happening and don't know to do. They appeared after agreed with everyone let Keith lead. But I know what my have to with . I want tell but I can't. I don't even know at all. They're always vivid, as if made them. They happen every and repeat. Sometimes Coran and are in them. But the who is mostly there is....

He almost had it. He just had to find one more and bam. He got his answer. He searched but couldn't find one. Found some really good drawings tho. Even one of the team. He didn't look half bad.(lol) He searched under Lance's bed but didn't find it. 'Hm, if I were Lance, where would I hide a piece of paper I didn't want anyone to see?' Keith thought as he searched and searched.

Maybe it was in a book. He searched there. He found a picture book and looked inside. Sharks looked back at him, shark drawings in with the pages. He searched the back of the book but just found another drawing of the team. It was him and Lance. Lance had his arm around him and they were laughing. Shiro was in the background yelling about gay chips. It was pretty funny. He almost laughed out loud but caught himself. He couldn't wake Lance. He put it back gently, like a flower petal was being put on a cake.

He grabbed another book and it was filled with pictures of Lance, and he guessed, his family. They were smiling and laughing. There was one with Lance looking at the camera, flour all over him. His siblings around him covered in flour and playing with toys on the flour, laughing while Lance was smiling cheekily. Like he was saying,"Oops, busted." Keith smiled and looked through some more. He saw Lance as a baby, his siblings as babies, and them growing up. He saw Lance with Hunk and they were making cookies. He guessed they were 9-10 years old. In another, Hunk was holding the cookies up, a proud smile on his face and Lance was beside him, caught in laughing and waving hi. He leafed through the pictures, promising himself if he could he would look through them all. He stopped. Pictures and pictures of everyone, them, the team. Team Voltron. There was Lance and Keith going to that one planet where Lance just kept taking pictures. He had thought Lance was taking scenery pictures. Not of him. He saw pictures of himself. Pictures here and there. Him with Shiro, smiling as Shiro talked to him. One with him and Pidge in that food fight(How did he get that?) him pouting and her also. Him coming back with his mom. There was also one of Allura flipping Lotor. It was awesome. He turned the page and saw more of him and the team. It seemed there was more of him than the team though but that wasn't all there was. He had pictures with this one girl who had tried to talk to Keith once. Keith hadn't wanted to talk so just stayed silent. Apparently Lance must have hung out with her. Well, he wasn't surprised- Wait, what was he wearing? Lance was wearing a red shirt with something on it but he couldn't read it. All he saw was Red and purple.

Now to find that shirt. He put a piece of paper in the book, closed it and placed it down. He went over to Lance's closet and making sure Lance was still asleep, he opened it.(With a flourish! Jk) Wait, he seemed like a stalker going through Lance's stuff. But he wanted to know and what was the worst that could happen? He went through them, constantly seeing blue shirts, a couple shirts with lions on them, memes, and was that Ariana Grande? He didn't know. Wait, it was signed too. It was signed by Ariana Grande?? When did he have time for that? He shook his head. He sighed. Lance, what the heck? He spotted a purple shirt and pulled it out a bit to look at it. The Blue Lion and the Red Lion were on the front. The shirt wasn't purple; It was red and blue, swirling into purple. It was really pretty. The two lions were swirling around with each other, going with the flow of the red and blue being mixed into purple. Okay, it took his breath away. It was an amazing shirt and he had to admit he wanted to try it on. But he couldn't try it on. He put it back, fast, before he was tempted to put it on. Too late. He had to keep putting it back every time he pulled it out. He finally had enough and just yanked the shirt on him. He felt like royalty to be honest. And he loved it. Wait, he should not be doing this. Right after he finds the paper, he'll definitely put it back. Mhm. He nodded.

He went back to searching and finally found the red shirt he was looking for. He pulled it out and read what it said:

Blue and Red:

Blue is blue and Red is red. But what would happen if Blue decided Red just wasn't for her? "You were red and I was blue. But then you decided purple just wasn't for you."

Red and Blue appreciation society. Take all the blues away! Red might just not be for you but at least you got Blue!

He was so confused. Blues? Aren't blues like sadness or something? Appreciation society? Ain't that line from a song? What??????? He should ask Lance about it later. He put the shirt back and closed the closet. He had some searching to do.

Minutes later, he had finally found it in a small notebook. It was like one you would write a list down. He grabbed it and placed it on top of the others. It read:

The dreams keep happening and I don't know what to do. They appeared after I agreed with everyone and let Keith lead. But I don't know what my dreams have to do with that. I want to tell someone but I can't. I don't even know if they're dreams at all. They're always so vivid, as if I made them. They happen every night and repeat. Sometimes Coran and Allura are in them. But the one who is mostly there is...

That was it. Hm, maybe if he taped them he'd find something? It was worth a shot. He found tape on Lance's desk and began to tape the papers in their exact spot. He turned it over and gasped. Someone was drawn on the back. Someone with really poofy hair. Someone who was smiling at him as if he could see him. The one who was on it was him. It was Keith, drawn in all his glory.

He found that out just as Lance woke up.

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